Let Love In - A CSX RP

(btw, dunno if u know or not, but if ur looking where the new CatNip, GSR thing RP is its the Come What May one... :D )

Tina smirked at him, "Nice try, Brown, I know your thinking something"
(I wasn't looking for it, I had forgotten about that one)

"Okay...you caught me, I was picturing you naked." Warrick said.

(I couldn't resist, it was the opertune moment)
Tina's face made a shocking look, before reaching under the table and polietly and playfully slapping his leg, "Warrick!"
(well, lets go attack her)

"We knew that." Warrick said teasingly.

* * *

(Me be pain)

Grissom picked up his phone and called Nick, he didn't know where Nick and Catherine had headed off too, but he needed them. They were swamped tonight.
{AAAHHH! I need my GSR to post back. -gets kicked again- Okay, okay! I can't remember what happened, so he's still driving.}

With a small frown, Greg looked at the road. It seriously seemed like the longest time he had ever drove. Maybe it was because Sofia was in the car with him, causing his heart to beat at a horribly quick rate. Yeah, that had to be it. "So..." He began, looking over at her.

{Oh, and guess what, Sara is bored! She should go and jump on...I mean, -cough-.}