I think we've all seem all of this cast equally, but no matter what Grissom is the star and ex. producer, and we all have our favs right? I love all of them but we all have our favs. and Nick is mentioned alot on here, do you realize that? & no problem I love him too, but we hear about him, and how much screen time Greg gets or doesn't get, etc. it is in fact an ensemble but Grissom is their leader I am posting what, and who I love just like you all do. I hope he confides his deep seated feelings to this thearpist and lays his cards on the table, but he's a private secretive guy, & kept a long time relationship a secret so I can't imagine him spilling his guts to a complete strangerso I highly doubt it. Nick should get it all out to, it might make him feel better. I guess we'll see who goes in and talks and who doesn't:alienblush:
Well the only difference here is we will never see Nick talk to the therapist because it takes too much screentime away from the star.