"Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

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tahaha hmm.. i will look at the trailer. and yeahhh i sooo want to see True Vinyl! practicly every week i look at the tv guide to see if any movies that eric is in are on. one time rules of attraction was on! but it was before i watched csi so i didnt watch it. but i did see the part with eric!! wow im a loser :lol:
You're so right, nerds are way better than jocks. ;) I just hope that Hollywood doesn't ruin nerdliness by making it too over-publicised and make it the new fad. I liked nerds before Hollywood did, and I plan to always like nerds, so they better not screw it up for me!

"I was uncool before uncool was cool." :D
hahahaha i have an msn display pic that says i was uncool before being uncool was cool!!!
is going to be big for greggo. and that he might have to make a dission with huge concequenes, and it will be played out throughout the season.

sorry i really cant type today :lol:

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aww greggo has his long hair still for the 7th season. cute.

a huge decision?! i hope it isn't something that determines something crap like whether he leaves or not.
i'd hate for that to happen :eek:

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I'm actually fearing that myself.

I mean, I love Eric/Greg just as much as all of you. In fact, honestly, he is the main reason I watch the show and if and when he leaves, so do I. But I have had many obsessions with tv shows, and I've discovered that hit shows, like CSI don't go very long without killing or having someone leave the show. I would guess this would be because the actor wants to leave, or the show needs a change or something. But with CSI:LV, they have gone 6 seasons without any main character leaving. I just figured it was because of it's success, they were safe just staying how they are... but I don't know.
I heard a spoiler a little while ago that someone would be killed off this season (it was on a site, but when I went to check it again, I couldn't find it so I don't know how reliable it is... but I consider everything) and
having to make a decision with huge consequences..
I mean... I'm just getting worried is all.

I'm sure I'm just to conclusions way too quick, but more and more things keep coming up that just make it easier to assume the worst for Greg

I really hope that this decision will only make things better for Greg, but if it doesn't and he leaves, as I said earlier, I do too.

this decision possibly be? Maybe... he got a new job offer... or is having family problems.. or something. And yeah, whatever it is, I really hope that he doesn't loose his life or respect.

Agh, someone convinse me everything will be fine!!

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Don't worry, es_luver, everything will be fine. :D They would never do anything to hurt Greg, or get rid of him, because then the show would plummet to it's doom. CSI needs Greg!

Unless Eric wants to do something else. *terrified look, remembering Rory Cochrane from Miami*

No, no, that wouldn't happen, no, it couldn't. *tries to convince self*

Plus, Greg's a smart guy, I'm sure he'll make the right decision. ;) :D

Also, I just wanna add something: personally, I don't mind spoilers, but I'm guessing that several of the above posts should have spoiler tags/space on them, for those who are going spoiler-free. So far there hasn't been any really huge ones yet, but just in case. ;) :)
Yes, this is true, they should have spoiler tags.

But as far as spoliers go, I tend to not take tham to heart because most of the time they never pan out. I would not worry about Eric leaving the show.
ohh right sorry guys!! k i'll just make this a spoiler tag because i dont want anyone to get mad:

on a website some girl wrote to the writters or something and he said that it will be a really good season for greg lovers. so he soo would not say that and then kill him off :)
I understand that alot of you get excited about spoilers but this (As with all non spoiler threads) is a spoiler free zone, please remember this.

I believe I edited all the tags in, But really we have a spoiler lab for these discussions for a reason, so that those who want to remain spoiler free can discuss their fav character/actor with out worry. ;)
I hope the best for Greggo in S7. I'm quite optimistic actually (must be all those Sandle Positivity cookies I had :lol:)

Let's keep our optimism, people, this could be a chance for Greg to have a big storyline (God knows how long I've waited for that to happen :rolleyes: Who knows? Whatever it is, I only hope for more screentime for Greg, possibly Greg-centric episodes :D Not to mention a chance for Eric to really show off his talent! (yea I'm so positive, I know). And besides, I've kinda lost my faith in spoilers cuz they tend to be misleading ;)
Besides, remember how we got so worry about the season finale? How we thought Greg's bruise/blood in the diner pic has something to do with Greg getting hurt/killed off? Turns out what we should worry more about is him not getting more than 2 minutes screentime :rolleyes:

Anyway, Greg keeps his haircut? :eek: I'm kinda dissapointed... I love his hair all spiky and always changes from time to time. Cuz it's one of the things interesting about Greggo :D
But heh, I wonder... maybe he's running out of hairdos! :lol: I mean he's practically had tried almost everything... (except braids, dreadlocks, or spotlight colors maybe).
Should go back to the spiky crazy look, was so much cooler. Except for in Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye because he wouldn't be able to wear the fedora without messin up his hair.
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