"Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

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i just like guys. i dont seem to have a type...my favourite greg was when he had his dark hair, n it was kind of emo looking...i cant remember when he had it though, it was kind of semi spiky.
flat at the front, and spikier nearer the back?

btw hi! never psoted here before...
Welcome Lost2MuchSpeed !

I like a guy with a good sense of humor (That's one big reason I fell in love with my husband) like Greg has (Eric too), good looks and beautiful eyes top the list too. But if a guy makes me laugh, that's the best! :lol: :lol:
I agree wojo a sense of humour is everything for me of coarse i really like kind of a goofy playful guy who kind of acts silly but when needed to can act serious and mature (i'm not sure if that made sense to anyone besides me). physically i like great eyes and a great smile
Okay, Destiny, thanks for the warning... I'm trying to avoid S7 spoilers myself :D But just sharing some hopes with fellow Greggo's fans :)

Welcome Lost2MuchSpeed!! :D

Oh yeah, Wojo, I love guys who makes me laugh too. The thing with Greg is he's never boring. He makes you laugh, but he can be serious also if the situation calls for it. That's the perfect guy for me :) :D
I mean, imagine you have to live with someone for the rest of your life... With Greg, you won't die from boredom! :lol: :lol:

And Greg is very smart. Smart is sexy :)
Great eyes and great smile? Definitely.

Do you think in S7 Greg would change his hair to blond again? Or he would stay dark? What's your speculation?
I would love to see him go the ' all natural ' look, but then that's the thing with Greg, you just never know! I look forward to finding out when S7 starts. :)
Or maybe he would try something.... in colour. Like pink. With green highlights :eek: :eek:

I'd die from laughter if that happens :lol:
That's part of why I like new seasons. Greg's new hairstyles. :)

But I like when a guy knows when to be funny and when to be serious, because if a guy is mixed up about that, there's some issues bound to happen.
he always seemed more serious when he had his longer hair? does that make any sense?

i jsut watched "Slaves of Las Vegas", Greg was hilarious in it with Grissom. "He's down witht he lingo! *whip sound effect*"

soemthin like that anyway :lol:
Lol. Yeah Lost2MuchSpeed, that was hilarious. Welcome! BTW.

I have no idea how his hair will end up, I'll be happy either way. September can't come soon enough, except I really don't wanna go back to school.
Well, I'm partial to blond men myself, and that's one of the things that attracted me to Greg. That and his great personality combined with brains makes for an interesting guy.

Here's hoping we see more of Greg in Season 7!
ahh i havent been here forever! i was in vegas :) unfortunatly.i didnt see anyone from csi..not that i thought i would. anyways i did get to go in a lounge they'vefilmed in tho :D....i loved gregs hair when he had the random blond patches lol...it looked good on him!
Sandana said:
I agree wojo a sense of humour is everything for me of coarse i really like kind of a goofy playful guy who kind of acts silly but when needed to can act serious and mature (i'm not sure if that made sense to anyone besides me). physically i like great eyes and a great smile

yeah! that totally made sence. :) thats how i see greg as. hes funny, goofy, makes you laugh, but is serious wen he needs to be! oh my gooddd i could totally melt in his eyes. i need a poster of him!! i dont even have one! :eek: :( but my computer back ground is him..and sara

Edit: guhh sorry double post!!! also i loved gregs hair in snakes too. one think that really realy reallyyy attracted me to greg is that hes so hot and he wasnt a jock or a jerk. he was a nerd and nerds..(well atleast greg) are soooo much cooler then the jocks :D
hahaha sandersidle, that reminds me of the show on E channel, about how now geeks are like, all over holliwood (Many hot actors are geeks) I'm like, "Aha! That's so Greg!" :D I mean, the thing about Greg being a nerd, but it makes him special. Cuz he's so smart, a little eccentric but that makes him interesting, and he's so fun and so cool...

Jeez I can't stop worshiping the guy :lol:

Anyway, I've just seen the trailer clip of True Vinyl... :eek: now I 'm absolutely DYING to watch it. I know this must've been mentioned a zillion times but Eric looks so cute in it!! *fangirl moment*

Hmm I think Eric has gained weight along this past few years? He looks so thin in True Vinyl... Or is it maybe bcuz he's not wearing his CSI vest? :lol:
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