"Leggo Our Greggo!" - Eric/Greg Discussion Thread Pt. 8

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Wojo said:
I'd be more surprised to learn that he didn't take drugs. Greg was a young college boy trying to find himself, it's natural to experiment. I'm not saying he did but it's a possibility. Now Greg's only drug is caffine -and lot's of it!! :lol:

i agree. especially with this and also what many of you said. greg is a bit more hyper than most ex potheads that i know (and i know alot of them). but i can totally imagine him being the type to smoke in college, but only socially. not the type who would hole up in his room by himself and pull bongs (dont know how to say it...'pull bongs' is what we say here)
maybe E, but isnt he hyper enough without it?
do you guys think that they do drugtests often at the crimelab?
I think some of his hyperness could be from drugs, but it could also just be his personality. I can see him in college being just as loud and wild as he was in the lab. He's toned it down a bit now that he's a CSI ( :( ) but it's still there.
Some places do drug tests every year, and some randomly. I agree that its his hersonality (or the coffee) that makes him hyper. He's young and has a lot of energy.
Well, obviously because the writers never really fleshed out Greg's past, we can only guess at what we think Greg would or would not have done while a student at Stanford University. Me...I personally believe that he would have been way too smart to have experimented with pot or any other drug. Greg did not get to be tops in his field by messing around with drugs. He's just way too smart to have screwed around with mind-altering substances. But that's just my take.

By the way, it is advertised elsewhere that "Regis and Kelly" will re-air the March 2nd episode featuring Regis on the set of CSI Las Vegas. It will be shown this coming Thursday, August 24th. And since I know that Eric will be featured, it is a very fitting birthday present for me. I intend to tape it while slaving away at work!
I think Greg, if he had done drugs, would have done it during college times or even high school. He seems to have this air of a responsible guy. And if he did live in New York, which keep in mind was a while back, according to him, he would know about drugs because of some friends or even just living there. I'm not saying New York is a bad place or a place to learn about drugs, because I've lived there and it's not like that at all. It's just that maybe in the time he lived there, there was a period where everyone knew about certain drugs or things like that. And New York is a place where even younger people (early twenties) hang out, so I don't think it's unusual to learn about drugs even if you partied and such.

Just my take on it, of course. And a bit of rambling. I hope that made sense though. :)
I've read somewhere that he went to Berkeley... :confused:

Just saying. But I don't see him as a druggie type. There was this episode (there's always a clue) that... oh wait, that was athletics. I was straying off-topic. But he just doesn't look like the druggie type. More like... sentimental. (Or mental... ;) Nah, sentimental/hyper.)
Well, in the episode Caged in season 2, Greg says:

GREG: But seriously ... Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford. Can I help it if I'm hip?

NICK: Yeah, yeah, which one of your relatives got you in?

GREG: Full ride.
Hmmm... I wonder where the site got their source then. I've heard him say it, but since my DVDs don't have captions, I can't understand what they're saying. (It sounded like "Mmhmh Phi Beta Kappa mhmmhmh")
Yep, that site is wrong. They got their universities mixed up. We heard it from Greg's own lovely lips:

GREG: But seriously ... Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford. Can I help it if I'm hip?
Wow i haven't been here in like forever!

Yeah I don't remember ever hearing that Greg went to Berkeley. And i would have reembered if I did, beause I live right near Berkeley. I would have freaked out.
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