"Leaving Las Vegas" Discussion **Spoilers**

Catherine and the suspect

(Let's get this out of the way first. JMO take it for what it is as what I felt after seeing her last night. I know we are finished talking so delete if you want mods but I would like to add my two cents)

Interesting reading all the different posts and seeing both points of view. I will say that I do like Catherine but this scene just rubbed me the wrong way. I can see Catherine using her past as a stripper to get info out of a suspect. I immediately thought of "After The Show" as well but the scene still rubbed me the wrong way with her undoing her buttons for him. I just didn't like it at all.

As for Nick and Warrick and what has been said I have to respectfully disagree again. They can't help wearing the shirts they do for a suspect. They aren't trying to tittilate or flirt with a suspect to get the information. Which episodes did they actually do that in? I can't think of any off the top of my head. They don't go into the locker room to change shirts to accomplish this. I haven't seen them strip down for a suspect either. That is what Catherine was doing which was disturbing for me. Undoing her buttons...just had the wrong feeling for me. I don't agree with violence or coercion to get the information out of a suspect. There is other ways to get the information and make the case still credible IMHO.

Now that's been said I can get on to the rest of the episode:

I was expecting the episode to be great. I felt disappointed. There were moments but that was about it. Catherine and Nick's conversation at the start was good. Good to see that Sam was mentioned again along with the money.

I figured though since it was Grissom's last episode for a bit that we would see more of him. To me we really didn't. It was more about Catherine, Nick and Novak. I loved Grissom talking to Warrick. You are the rock of this team. Help out Catherine like you would help out me. Nice to see Warrick and Grissom's connection as mentor and student. They have always been great friends for the longest time. We haven't seen enough of Warrick lately. The Hodges Grissom scene at the start was typical Hodges and was cute. Grissom giving advice to Greg was what I expected. Nice to see that Greg's case was mentioned again. Nick's hug was adorable and unexpected. I think that Nick was just wishing Grissom the best if he was leaving for good. I think that Grissom was thrown through a loop though. Grissom's goodbye to Sarah was typical Grissom. He looked out the door first and then just said that he would miss her. I would have been shocked to see Grissom kiss her. I know that they are involved but Grissom's very reserved with his feelings.

The scene with the little boy was adorable saying that he needed to say goodbye to mom and grandma so they could fly away. Cute moment.

As for the killer, he had an accident in highschool so he said he would go on long drives for days to relieve his headaches. He returns to what he assumes to be home ( almost identical to his house.)and finds people there he doesn't know. He is very possessive of his house ( as evidenced by his writing in the notebook) so he loses it. The murder of his mom was because of the fact that she was about to kick him out of the house.

The other murder of the mother and little girl were never solved. Nick said that he put the bullet through IBIS and got no hits.

I pegged the MCSK. IT was way too clean and crisp for it to be Ernie from Loco Motives. I figured there was some one else. So was Ernie a copy cat of the original serial killer? I'm not sure. A little creepy about the box showing up at Grissom's office. I was thrown but not shocked when that happened on the show. I didn't see that coming but I did figure that the case wasn't over yet.

I will miss Grissom. I hope that WP had a great run with his play in Rhode Island. I can't wait till he comes back.

( Excuse for the long post )

Take Care,
uh, no. no illegal downloading can be dicussed here. you can however get it from itunes. as i heard they sell them on amazon too.
i've only seen the promo for this and i cried.i love grissom.I'm waitng to see this episode this wknd.I hope he will be back.

Was the episode good??
Last night's episode was nothing as i expected. The case was rather dull. But I am so glad that Grissom is taking a break, it should give some other characters time to shine.
I missed Greg...but oh well. :( And i really wish the writers would put the MCSK storyline to rest...they cant keep dragging it out, its getting old.

Nick and Grissoms hug ws priceless!! :)
i dont think that the MCS case is getting old at all, but thats just my opinion. i had heard a runor that it would come back, and i find it extremely interesting. question is, the package that was delivered at the end of the ep, what crimescene is it a replica of?
pabzi said:
i dont think that the MCS case is getting old at all, but thats just my opinion. i had heard a runor that it would come back, and i find it extremely interesting. question is, the package that was delivered at the end of the ep, what crimescene is it a replica of?

I don't think it was a specific replica. It had the signature photo of the baby on the newspaper and the text was "Another Body Found!"
GrissomFREAK - I also like that the goodbye was awkward. Smooth Grissom reads as false to me. I like that he was a little bumbling and sweet about it.
GrissomFREAK said:
I absolutely LOVED it. Great from beginning to end. One of the best epis of the season so far IMO.

The hug scene was so funny. Grissom's look was priceless :lol:

As for Sara and Grissom's goodbye scene it was just perfect. Just as it should have been.

I'll miss Grissom so much :( :(

Couldn't have said it better my self!! totally agree ;)
Maybe it's Keppler's body in the next scene! Based on those previews I saw it looks like Nick, Warrick, Sara and Greg are fixin' to gang up on him!!
Lol when Hodges was talking to Grissom in his office he mentioned Hampshire girls from Amherst.

I live in Amherst Mass where they were talking about D: Also my friend who also watches CSI- we have a notebook where we pass notes to eachother to stay in touch since we dont have any classes together, but she filled one whole page up with "Theres no place like home" -.-;;
My thoughts:

Catherine and her loose buttons...
Without going too far into the scene: I didn't like it for one reason: It wasn't very CSI-like to me. Now, I didn't like that she did that, but like a lot of you said, sometimes you have to take things a step further. However, I think because Grey's Anatomy is against it now, the writers seem to be putting a lot more risque elements. Especially with Catherine (a huge one being in BTK when she's naked and we see a pretty good bit of her and then I'm not even going to start on her little rape kit thing.) I mean, I understand that some people like to see things like that really are, but even my dad said it was uncalled for to see her digging in her vagina. And it just seems like the writers are doing this more often, and I personally don't like it. I don't think they have to stoop to that level. That is my opinion, and I know that many of you will disagree... but sometimes I just miss some of the old elements of CSI.

The Case in General
Kinda boring. I agree with whoever said that it should have been in Vegas. With us already knowing that the team is going to be changing pretty dramatically with Grissom's departure, I would have liked to see the whole team a lot more than what we did. I'm getting sick of seeing Catherine all the time. No offence to anyone, because I like her character, but there has been a lot of episodes for her lately, and from recent spoilers, there will be quite a few more. So.. I don't know. I guess if they actually show the others for more than 10 seconds *cough* Greg and Warrick *cough* I guess I'll be able to deal with it. But.. I just hope that soon we'll be seeing more of the others.

I'm glad that some of you see this as a good thing, but I personally don't really like it that much. Well, for right now. If they do either something really interesting with it, or they have it floating in the background here and there, then thats ok. But I do not think they should do that storyline all over again or else it will be like (omg, brain fart) that guy that was attacking Grissom personally and they thought he died but he really didn't. (I feel like an idiot for forgetting). Oh well, but you all know what I mean. So, I guess it could be a really cool thing, or a bad thing.

Other Stuff
Well, it was fairly dissapointing for Greg fans, although we got some continuity so, i guess I can't complain to much. Be thankful for what you get, right? Now, as far as his future goes in coming episodes (if they keep his storyline going which I think they will because they could have technically just dropped his civil case and mention that it went well or whatever) I think either one could be potentially bad. If he loses the civil case, he's going to be out a lot of money. If he wins it (which he should), then you'll have the family, the brother mainly, who will be seeking revenge and the brother's character has already been shown to be a kind of guy that will in fact do something. So.. this should be interesting. I guess the civil case outcome will be a huge factor.
Loved the Nick/Grissom scene. It was cute.
I feel bad for Sara and I think that Jorja did some amazing acting during that locker room scene. It was very believeable and touching (which is saying something because I'm not really a GSR fan. But I'm not against it either) So that was nice.

All-in-all, it was ok and I just cannot wait until Grissom comes back. :rolleyes:
eszmanda_luver said:
Catherine and her loose buttons...
Without going too far into the scene: I didn't like it for one reason: It wasn't very CSI-like to me. Now, I didn't like that she did that, but like a lot of you said, sometimes you have to take things a step further. However, I think because Grey's Anatomy is against it now, the writers seem to be putting a lot more risque elements. Especially with Catherine (a huge one being in BTK when she's naked and we see a pretty good bit of her and then I'm not even going to start on her little rape kit thing.) I mean, I understand that some people like to see things like that really are, but even my dad said it was uncalled for to see her digging in her vagina. And it just seems like the writers are doing this more often, and I personally don't like it. I don't think they have to stoop to that level. That is my opinion, and I know that many of you will disagree... but sometimes I just miss some of the old elements of CSI.
I really appreciate your opinion. I'm a big Catherine fan and even I didn't want to see it go that far... although I did enjoy seeing the cleavage :D. It's just a few fans seemed to be really worked up and started bashing. That's not discussing. That's flaming although you might not mean that at all.

On the other hand, TPTB might not know how to develop good storylines, they certainly know what gets the most attention (either positive or negative) and who does it the best. *shrugs*
My thoughts on this episode:

I think this was an overall great episode. The case was pretty cool and stuff. You got to wonder how they keep coming up with so many ways for a victim to die. It's amazing, really.

Me, being a Greg fan, was disappointed with the actual amount of Greg. Yes, there has been a decent amount of him so far, but seriously, can't he be in the episode for more than one minute? I just find that kind of frustrating. The guy has stuck to the show since the beginning and when he finally gets somewhere he's still put in the sidelines too much.

What ever happened to Warrick's marriage with Tina? Did that all evaporate into thin air? I'm not entirely sure if any of it has even been mentioned. Sometimes I tend to daze off in the middle of an episode or just forget the parts that aren't too interesting. But I want to know more about what's happening there.

So ... Catherine's history as a stripper has finally caught up with her. I think Catherine is a great character and all, but I agree with eszmanda_luver. She's getting too much drama and they should cut it back a little. I was blinded when I saw her UNBUTTONING her shirt. Why would she do that? It just goes against anything CSI. I thought she was through with her past. Maybe it's just in her nature ...

Me and my sister were "awing" all the way through that Nick and Grissom hug. Once Grissom said, "Stop hugging me," we burst out laughing. That was my personnel favourite scene in the entire episode. Loved it!

Grissom and Sara's goodbye was very right. I seemed to fit perfectly. I was hoping he didn't do anything like kissing her or anything and I'm very satisfied that it didn't happen. It was perfect.

So, as stated before, overall great episode. Major annoyance: Catherine and her little "persuasion". Major love: Grisson and Nick hugging. Funniest thing ever!

8/10 episode.