"Leaving Las Vegas" Discussion **Spoilers**

First off not yelling at you so don't take it that away please but, using the term "You Americans" kind of blankets everyone, when in fact there were some americans who didn't find it to be demeaning, or unethical, ect. I should know I am from Ohio and I am an american so. Maybe the term should be more "Some americans", or better yet "Some people" since alot of people do not post their state/country, ect. ;)
for me, the issue wasnt a bra, it was the scene which led to the revealing of a bra. im all for the characters being in their underwear, but when it happens at work its unproffesional. to me at least.
what the scene said to me, was that catherine had nothing going for her but her breasts. not her mind, wit, intelligence, experience etc. just her breasts. if it had been nick unzipping his pants and flashing boxers to get a suspect to talk sure itd be fun at first. but id be mad at the writers for making nick act like a sleaze.
all the characters are guilty of behaving badly, and probably all would have been fired by now for various reasons if it was real life. but, this is not real life. they can make the characters appear human and vulnerable without having them slip up on the job.
I agree with you allmaple
I really like Catherine
that is what I think too
they debasted her character, everything she is and does and worked for all comes down to the fact that she was a stripper.. and agreed with Nick or Warrick or any other guy if they undid their jeans buttons to get a suspect to talk... WOW!!

but again that's my opinion
I'm a little confused by the goodbye scene between Grissom and Sara.

They've been together for quite some time (allegedly) ... thinking back on it, maybe it was a little too awkward after all.

I mean, sure no hug, no kiss because they were at work, but still it looks like Grissom told her he was leaving like 10 minutes before the scene ... and I know this was mentioned earlier, why didn't Sara accompany him to the airport? I mean, it's not like he's gonna be back the next morning, he's gonna be away for 4 WEEKS!! :eek:

I thought it was weird :confused:
Well it might be because they want to keep their relationship totally secret from everyone else, and to have Sara taking Grissom to the airport may raise eyebrows. But in my opinion, just the way GSR has been going since "Happenstance" I'm not sure how much longer it will last--but that's a topic for the GSR thread.
I don't know how to post double quotes, but I wanted to agree with allmaple's last post. When I was watching it, I didn't understand why Cath didn't just come out and tell him she thought he was innocent. He was already serving time for the crime. Why did she immediately start disposing of her clothes? She didn't give any other option a shot. She just went for the "easy" way. This is a choice the writers made for her character, and I just disagree with it. And a note specifically to FDL, if the CSIs start murdering anyone on the show, I will be the first person to quit watching. You are comparing apples to oranges.

GrissomFREAK said:
I'm a little confused by the goodbye scene between Grissom and Sara.

I think someone already talked about this, but my 2 cents is that Grissom didn't want an emotional goodbye. He isn't known for being comfortable with those types of situations, and he probably thought it was best for both of them to avoid it. I think the scene is in keeping with what we know about the two of them. We may understand it more when he gets back if the writers follow through on the storyline.
Well the whole thing with sara and grissom is they may have said their good-byes befor work and they know they will still talk to each other after he is gone.
I know neither of them wanted an emotional goodbye -that's just the way they are, BUT it was very weird -they are supposedly DATING for chrissake! :eek:

I don't know, I guess I expected a little more than that.
yes me too. they said good bye like friends but not like lovers...somehow i even expected a little more from grissom
Well, if they had shown an emotional goodbye between Sara and Grissom, there'd been a hue and cry of "Foul! Foul! Soap Opera! Personal Storylines! OOC! Foul, I say!!" all throughout the board. TPTB are damned if they do, damned if they don't with regards to GSR - no matter if they keep it subtle or make it overt, people are going to complain simply because it's Grissom and Sara. So I'm just as happy that they kept it subtle. They were at work; it's entirely possible they said their more emotional goodbyes offscreen - we got the gist of the situation without getting into obviously emotional territory. I like the minimalist approach to personal storylines on CSI, so this was right up my alley.
subtle?? please, GSR is not subtle. It could be worse, but it is annoying the crap out of me this season. If it stays like this for next season, I am not watching vegas any more. This storyline is nasty. Giving Sara a replacement daddy to have sex with? gross...
MissDee said:
Could you elaborate, xfcanadian? Exactly what about the Grissom/Sara scene disgusted you?

The whole relationship is gross. Sara clearly has a father issue, and is looking for that type of support from an older man. As a replacement father. Any psychology book will tell you that females with an absent father figure often seek the attention of older men. It has always been like that, sara trying to get grissom's attention so he can 'discipline' her. Nasty.
I don't see it that way myself but will save it for the ship threads so as not to break any rules. I did read some comments to that effect in TV Guide after the finale though.
The whole relationship is gross. Sara clearly has a father issue, and is looking for that type of support from an older man. As a replacement father. Any psychology book will tell you that females with an absent father figure often seek the attention of older men. It has always been like that, sara trying to get grissom's attention so he can 'discipline' her. Nasty. (xfcanadian)
Oh, I see. I thought it might have been a particular problem with the way the scene went - you didn't think the dialogue was believable, for example, or that you thought the scene was too overt/subtle. My bad. Personally, I see no evidence that your interpretation of the couple is correct... but that's a topic not for this thread. Some other time, perhaps. :)