"Leaving Las Vegas" Discussion **Spoilers**

Who Ryan?

I would said, Grissom and Nick more like father and son. Grissom does with Greg also. Those two needs protected.

I like the hug between Nick and Grissom, that was funny. Poor Nicky, he is so embarrassed by it, but someone told Nick, that Grissom is leaving forever. Nick thought Grissom was leaving for good.

Catherine unbutton her shirt, I don't like it but we should got use to it because she was a stripper in the past. She should done something else beside that unbutton her shirt.

I still don't think Warrick is the rock of the team. Nick is the one that hold them together, but Warrick is always Grissom's favorite, that was get me because Warrick always made mistake and never paid for it, he got away with it. Nick and Sara never got away with it.
CSI_junkie said:
Greg/Gris. Father/son. Greg is the newest and was unsure what he should do as he has his public inquest while Grissom is gone. Grissom told the young CSI to call his union rep for the inquest. All the department is worried aobut is themselfs and they would shove themselfes under a buss to protect him.
not to split hairs, but gris actually told ryan that the department would shove HIM (meaning greg) under a bus to protect themselves (meaning the dept)

It was actually concerning the fact that Greg was considering accepting legal representation from the Las Vegas Police Department--they're the ones that would throw Greg under the bus--not his friends at the crime lab. That's why Grissom told him to consult his union rep.
If Grissom starts wearing sunglasses all the time and calling Greg "Mr. Sanders," I will stab my eyes out with a fork.... :p
I'm just glad it wasn't HODGES that hugged Grissom. Something about that guy is NOT RIGHT!!! Still, I wonder if Grissom goes to the Purple Pint while he's teaching that winter insect seminar...
actually, i think that would have been hilarious! hodges is such a suck up that i think it would have been absolutely in character for him to try and hug grissom. oh man, i can see it now... :lol:
Well, I could see it too... I could also see the uncomfortable look on Grissom's face... it'd be like how some of those straight guys look after getting "made over" by the crew of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"... and I could also see him saying "Close the door FROM THE OTHER SIDE" after repelling Hodges embrace... :lol:
I personally really loved this episode, probably one of the best this season. I was cracking up within the first few minutes when Hodges started talking about college... I just love him and how he thinks Grissom is, like, his best friend. Nick hugging Grissom was priceless. And I loved that Nick and Catherine are on to Grissom and Sara (at least just a bit)! That was great. At the end, when Grissom said goodbye to Sara... oh, I just wanted to grab him and pull him back in there to say goodbye properly. And the miniature killer is back! I knew they couldn't have ended the case that abruptly.

That was good TV.
it would have been too easy if the MCSK-case had already been solved! i think we're going to see some more miniatures
sandersidle said:
Okay, I watched the promo on innertube... When Nick hugs Gris, I could have sworn I saw him holding a lunch pale with a red ribbon tied around it in a bow.. Am I the only one who saw that? :lol: Maybe it was a present from Grissom? :p

sandersidle: watched LLV again last nite (thank you DVR) to see what you were asking about. In Nick's right hand, he was holding a small cooler (like they use to carry donor organs in) with red evidence tape aroud it...musta been what you saw.
Hi all,
I'm newly registered after a long time of lurking.
There is one thing regarding Cath and her buttons that I would like to comment on.
CBS and the FCC are in court over the SuperBowl incident where Justin Timberlake caused Janet Jackson to have a "costume malfunction". This case went to trial in November (21st I think) about the same time that this episode would have been in the works.
Did CBS insert this scene deliberately to make some kind of statement? The timing is too perfect to be accidental and CBS legal would have been aware of it too.
The Hollywood Reporter has some background.

What do you think?

*Edited: To shorten Address and unstretch screen.*
Considering it was written ages ago and that it was filmed a while ago as well, somehow I doubt it.

Also, I can't see Marg participating in something like that.
I dunno. This lawsuit has been in the works for ages too, almost since the 2004 Super Bowl. Marg need not have known that there was any connection. It would just be another scene for her, but a really hot one. :devil:
"As for Catherine's scene, I thought it was more unethical than demeaning .." (ladyemerald)
"A little awkward when watching the show with your mom,.." (letsdance)
"Catherine unbutton her shirt, I don't like it but we should got use to it.." (NicknGrissom)

You americans are INCREDIBLE! You have no qualms about whatching scenes of blood, gore, decapitation, mass murder (after all, you spend a large part of the budged on acutally DOING it --- see Iraq, Somalia, etc).. BUT if a lady unbuttons her shirt (oh, woe..) and geee, actually, realy, literally and for real shows here bra ... OH GOD!! Hands UP!!