"Leave Out All the Rest" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I really liked this epi and the end with LH and Grissom in bed :drool:
Hodges was fun and Cath and Nick where hot.:drool:
I'm wondering did anyone else want to smack Grissom when he accuses Catherine of contaminating the victim by putting the tarp on?

I mean seriously, like Catherine would do something so stupid. However, I liked that she didn't take it and pointed out that it was the first responder who did it and he was the one who was suppose to respond to the crime scene, not her.

Nothing like blaming someone else for your mistakes. Good job Grissom. :rolleyes:
I think Grissom's attitude is justified. The guy is broken (yes, like the song), he's suffering personally and professionally..he doesn't know what's going on with he and Sara, he can't concentrate at work, he can't focus...he's depressed, he's broken. And Catherine knows him well enough to know that he's hurting, and of course he would never accuse one of his best C.S.I's of doing something like contaminating evidence. He KNOWS she knows better...

I think the key to living through these first few episodes of Season 9 is just go with the flow...go with what's going on...
This episode is basically building us up to Grissom leaving the show. I believe he's like Sara in that he's beginning to get burned out by all these cases. Losing his close friend is just adding fuel to the fire. As for Lady Heather, she IS his equal. Nobody can play mental chess with Grissom as well as she can.
I think Grissom's attitude is justified. The guy is broken (yes, like the song), he's suffering personally and professionally..he doesn't know what's going on with he and Sara, he can't concentrate at work, he can't focus...he's depressed, he's broken. And Catherine knows him well enough to know that he's hurting, and of course he would never accuse one of his best C.S.I's of doing something like contaminating evidence. He KNOWS she knows better...

But he did accuse her of contaminating the body.

Yeah, Grissom's heartbroken, but really, suck it up, you have a job to do. Everybody has breakups in their life. Are the easy, no? But your life can't come to a stop because of it.

See this is why Grissom and Sara's relationship is so wrong and was inappropriate. It could only end up hurting the team and that's exactly what its done.

Everyone says how Grissom would never sleep with Lady Heather, it just wouldn't be him. Yeah, well the Grissom I knew would never have had a relationship with one of his subordinates.

If Grissom is hurting so bad, then leave before he causes one of his team members to get seriously hurt. :shifty: I really miss the old Grissom.
As for Grissom and Lady H, I didn't realy see anything provocative about this episode. All I saw was a broken man going to an old friend's house and yeah they probably did the deed.

By the way, who looked after Grissom's dog Hank.

...And when he gets home, he'll find out that Hank has left as well.

I don't thin Grissom and LH did the deed, for the simple reason that Grissom is really, really down and I think all of him is down, if you know what I mean.


As for Hank: Here's the scenario

Grissom walks in and sees Hank sitting there with his little bag packed.

Grissom: You're leaving me too..

Hank nodding: ruff! ruff!

Grissom: Where are you going?

The door knocks and there's Nick waiting: C'mon Hank!

Grissom looks at Nick and Hank: traitors!

:guffaw: Now I'm wondering if when Grissom leaves will he take Hank with him. :lol:

I have to say, while it was quite a big bit of the plot, the way they kept cutting to and from Sara's video irritated me slightly

yeah. Nothing against Sara here, but it especially bugged me when they kept zooming in on just her eyes... cause you could actually see the squares of the pixels in the video and that was visually hard on the eyes. It made it look all blurry or something.
Bizzare episode, the world of S & M, the underbelly, sleazy side of human beings.Tongue clamps OUCH, and peircing's of body parts, nasty stuff. Nick, Greg Brass & Doc all great Cath not so much, but Riley shinned in this ep. I'm really enjoying her role. She works great with the team. And poor broken Grissom, distracted, dismayed, disconnected, distraught, depressed and disturbed> What a dynamic actor Billy Petersen is. so convincing, you could feel his pain. But the one who was the most engrossing surpisinly was Heather, aka Melinda Clarke was tremendous. I have new profound respect for her character. she was intuitive, receptive, friendly, charming and nice. Her best performance so far. A kinder softer person, then she was in her last two episodes. "What are you doing here, what do you want" "You've changed" So she got a degree proving they hadn't seen each other for two years, because he knew nothing of it. Grissom came to her on the pretext of the case, but she saw through the facade. He's in pretty bad shape, and kept re-running Sara's tape in his head. "Heather" why are you really here" "Gil" your not my thearpist" She listened and helped him with the case and to some degree with his personal dilemma. "Gil "the relationship is not over" Heather" when you make no decision, that is the decision", well maybe not on that one:(
Sara pleading "I'm happy" is she? & "don't worry about me" maybe guilt enters her brain, for leaving him twice and she wants him to think she's OK:confused:
But he is worrried about her. One might say that their at an impasse, interlude, crossroads in their relationship. The team might say he's got 'temporary insanity' His pitiful expressions, so morose. and the last scene "Please stay" I think that Heather did not take advantage of his low vulnerability & went in to the bedroom to talk, after all he was still awake. Anything else would desecrate his credibilty. "Sex weithout love makes one sad", he's stated... but then again he's already sad. But it would be a cheap ploy, and Heather knows he still loves Sara, and if she were still here he wouldn't be there. I think her integrity and class would prevent her from taking this any furthur. This episode left no real conclusion and an ambivalent ending:(

Oh, and Sara is returning:thumbsup:
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About Hank the dog, and Grissom being gone, he could have someone he hired who takes care of him (ie walks and gives food), being his work hours and such, which can change at a moments notice.
i am very happy heather and grissom got together.
i am still incredibly upset the william petersen is leaving the show.
I hope Gary is doing better.
I think that Heather did not take advantage of his low vulnerability & went in to the bedroom to talk, after all he was still awake. Anything else would desecrate his credibilty. I think her integrity and class would prevent her from taking this any furthur.

I agree, plus the fact that he didn't even turn to face her when he asked her to stay was very telling in of itself. If he'd wanted to be intimate with her, he would have turned to look at her.

Lastly, anyone else catch the look on Grissom's face when Sara said she met someone on the boat who reminded her of him...

She said that? That must have been at the very beginning of the episode. I missed the first minute or so.
Oh, and Sara is returning:thumbsup:

Yes in your world, desertwind, she is. Just like the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santy Clause.

Anyways, back to the subject at matter. You're right Destiny, Grissom probably did hire someone to take care of Hank. He probably has someone on the hire anyways given the kind of hours he puts in. Most professionals do.

Either that or Grissom's gonna come home and find his butterfly pictures scattered, his couch ripped to shreds and then we will have an episode where Cesar Milan the Dog Whisperer comes and visits him and knowing Grissom, he'll cry about Sara with the dog whisperer since he does things in opposites.

Dog Whisperer: I theenk the problem is you are not giving him calm, assertive energy Mr. Grissom.

Grissom: My girlfriend left me waaaah!

Dog Whispere: Mr. Grissom, I don't theenk I'm the right person to talk to about thees.
And there's dog kennels, and he was only gone one night so people leave their dogs alone over night all the time~

Billy Petersen says!

He does mention Sara, but not the other silly cartoon characters:rolleyes:

"Sara will be returning for mutiple episodes, and will figure in Grissom's fnal ARC. He won't say what exactly happens but does confirm that "Sara is involved" [repeats again for those who are continully doubting this]

And he's sure turned a cold shoulder to Cath, why didn't he talk to her?, she said "he won't talk to me" and or Brass , they could have thrown back a few shots and he could have told him all his troubles:(

And it came in at #1 again~

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Although I loved the epi, I was surprised by one thing. I expected to see some sort of wrap up to the Lady Heather storyline. If anything, they left us with the sense of Grissom and Lady Heather reconnecting as friends. Yet I don't see any info of LH in any of G's remaining episodes. I guess TPTB are just gonna leave that door open? *shrugs*
"Sara will be returning for mutiple episodes, and will figure in Grissom's fnal ARC. He won't say what exactly happens but does confirm that "Sara is involved" [repeats again for those who are continully doubting this]

Nobody's doubting it. We just don't need to read about it over and over again. It's like a broken record. One that I would love to take off the turntable and smash to bits!

Now back tot he episode. So did that Michelle chick get arrested or was her DNA just taken and put into record keeping. It would be interesting to see her come back. She's no Lady H because Lady H had a good heart, but this chick was just evil.
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