I'm a fan of both CSI: Miami and CSI: NY. Although CSI: Miami is slowly losing my loyalty. That's why starting September 22nd-(beginning of CSI: Miami's season 7) and September 24th-(beginning of CSI: NY's season 5) you'll be seeing alot more of me here in the CSI: NY section. I guess you could say I'm a disillusioned, disenchanted, disenfranchised and just plain dissed CSI: Miami fan. It's been building since the first episode of CSI: Miami's season 4.
Now to the thread topic...
:shifty:My least favorite episode of season four has a one word title:
It was
BORING!!! Last season-(CSI: Miami's season 5 and CSI: NY's season 3)-CSI: NY trampled, steamrolled and just plain squished CSI: Miami when it came to season finales. This time the tables got turned and CSI: Miami trampled, steamrolled and just plain squished CSI: NY. What happened??? Did the producers and writers of both shows get together and decide "Hey!!! Here's an ideal. Let's have the CSI: Miami writers write CSI: NY's finale this season and the CSI: NY writers write CSI: Miami's finale." That is the
ONLY half-way viable explaination I can come up with, right now, as to why CSI: Miami's season finale rocked this year and last year it sucked. And why CSI: NY's season finale sucked this year and last year it rocked. Unless that dang writers' strike had a negative effect on the CSI: NY writers and that's why
HOSTAGE sucked. Well, enough speculating on my part. I voted for
Oh, one more thing.

Could someone please tell me which episode Mac found out who his 333 stalker was???

I went to the episode guide and the first episode I clicked on was it. It's "The Thing About Heroes".