"Leapin' Lizards" Discussion *Spoilers*

I wish I lived in Canada! Wait... I have dress rehearsal til after eight tonight, nevermind. :D But I really hope i'm home in time and don't miss any of this episode. I'm really excited for this episode. :D
I've noticed a lot of promos too but they need to because ABC is promoting the heck out of GA too for tonight, since it is two hours.
Personally, I think Grey's has lost a lot of its appeal. Last season it looked new and exciting, but now all of their previews look boring to me. CSI has done a lot to try and keep themselves exciting. Even the two hour long Grey's looks like it's just the same old same old. I dunno- maybe I'm just opposed to Grey's because of its opposition to CSI, but it really looks like they missed the mark this season.
Can I just say Greg is my hero? :lol: That scene with Cath was priceless.. I was rotfl.

Warrick and Nick! :lol: :lol: Like you and me, baby? :lol:
Just a little announcement. Eric Szmanda will be interviewed on CBS Early Show tomorrow morning. I can't wait!
hollie you wish you lived in canada? we are serial killer that like to feed corpes to his pigs...just like Nick Said, that happened in BC

greggo laughing was priceless...it was so funny
new member here......... just found this place.

Question, what SONNET was the letter quoted from? I thought he said 14 but it doesnt appear so. It is quite fitting in my life and I want to find it :(
OMG :eek: :eek: did u see the eppy awsum 4 real.....catherine/marg look :D hot as all ways....warrick and nick secne 2gether was funny :lol:...lol.....DID :eek: U SEE THE END grissom makin some thing lokkin :confused:like 1 of them mature :confused:....sara readin that note grissom wrote...dude omg omg anyways this eppy was funny :Dand kool 4 real!!!!
Maryse said:
hi... Motojoe_23 welcome
i think it was 47 and Shakesper

That was it. thank you so much :D. In case you are wondering. I work on the road (gone monday thru friday) so I found it fitting to send to my wife to let her know I think of her while I am gone. :cool:
I think the ending is a red herring knowing some spoilers but it was interesting anyway. LOL at Brass "I'm just a phone booth away from changing into my tights and saving the world"

I heart the GSR bed doggie stuff...but I'll save it for the ship thread.
That laugh by Greg was the best! So glad to see him getting back to his old self. The end too with him was cute.

The overall ep was decent. Not the best but nice to see Warrick a lot.