What a fantastic, heart-breaking episode that was! Like many of you, I'd really come to like Keppler over the past few weeks, and this episode just intensified that, and made the emotional pay-off when he bit the dust all that much more. Marg and Liev were phenomenal in the last few minutes, and deserve credit for making the absolute most out of that moment.
I loved that Grissom was there consoling Catherine after Keppler's demise. I miss the interaction between them, it was one of the relationships between the CSIs that I enjoy the most. I hope that we'll be seeing more of that in the near future.
I thought having Catherine there when Keppler was shot was great continuity, not just because she spent the most time with him, because of the similarities between his death and that of her father. I hope we get to see some of the effect this has on Catherine in coming episodes. I don't want them to toss Sam's death aside like it meant nothing.
And a brief mention to Wendy! I love the girl, and it was great to see her get a little more screen-time, and doing something other than just handing out results. Like Boti Bliss in 'Internal Affairs', they took a chance on giving her something bigger to do, and she did not disappoint. If the time wasn't stretched quite as much as it seems to be, I'd ask to see more of her.
Where's Greg? Can I have some more please?
Overall, pretty damn good episode. Great to see Grissom back too. But as much as I love Billy, I will miss Liev greatly. He added a new and very interesting dynamic to the show. Part of me wishes they hadn't killed him off, so he could show up every now and then, but after watching that episode, I think they made a decent decision. It sure did play up the drama and tug the old heartstrings. Everyone did the story justice too, but Marg and Liev made this episode what it is, and that is probably the best episode of Season 7 so far.
Oh, Mikey. You're time with us was far too short-lived.