"Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

Never gonna happen. Nick might get a sermo about not trusting Cath instead. Nick so is the red-haired stepchild of the team.

He's never gonna get cut some slack.
Ha ha! "the red headed stepchild" Man, do I know how THAT feels! (and I guess it helps that I actually am a redhead). If there's a person who needs to get yelled at or blamed...I'm your girl!
I don't think Grissom will lecture just one person; more to the point...I think he might talk to the group as a team to reemphasize what it means to be a team. However, I think he will stand behind Catherine. JMO.
Poor Cath can't seem to rescue any of the men she cares about from themselves: her husband, her father, her new coworker (who I do think she had a little crush on).

I'm sad to see Keppler leave. He could have been a great recurring character.

Amy was Kepp's wife? I thought she was his gf/fiance.
I think Keppler and Catherine may have had a mutual crush-thing going. He made some flirtatious comment to her in his first episode--I can't remember exactly what it was. Then in this episode, she did try to convince Keppler to think about joining the night shift instead of days. She started getting upset when he sounded suicidal over the phone--that likely shook her up a lot. Then to find him shot, and see him shoot McCarty in order to protect her, and have him nearly die in her arms. I can see why she'd be upset. As shady as the whole "reverse forensics" deal was, I think the two of them connected during that whole ordeal, and she likely took it upon herself to look out for him.

Loved the scene with Nick and the baby, reminded me of Ryan and the baby in CSI: Miami "Shootout". Didn't think so at the time, but after a couple people mentioned it here I agree the whole butt implant scene should have gone to Greg (not that George didn't do a good job with it--he was cute), but that's such a Greg moment--and since the other Greg moment was given to Hodges, unless whoever wrote the article got Greg and Hodges confused (I don't see how that's possible).

Loved the Sara and Grissom moment. I felt for Grissom, and I was thinking "Sara, all those years you wanted to get a response from Grissom and here it is, and you're running away from it". But, it goes with the cat-and-mouse game that is GSR.
About that, how was she to stupid as to walk in front of an open door to a room from where there had just been shots fired?

I couldn't believe that a seasoned CSI would do such a thing?
Well, let me quickly join the loved it camp. I was totally engrossed in last night's ep and thought Keppler's story was fascinating. With only 3 episodes in which Keppler had appeared I didn't think I'd care much for his backstory, but I was wrong! As strange of a character as he is, there's something likable about him. I guess it's because he's human, he wants revenge for what happened to Amy. As for Amy, I don't recall them saying that she and Keppler were married, but they might have been. And am I correct in thinking her rape resulted in her committing suicide? Not sure.

I think they kept saying Liev Schreiber would be a recurring character just so as not to spoil the surprise of his demise. But then again only an MD can pronounce TOD so the door is still slightly open. Realistically, Keppler's death is the only way I can see him getting a clean break. After all, he did kill an innocent man and his prints are all over the murder weapon.

I was glad to see that Grissom was back! Though his part was rather small. I kept wanting to yell at him to open the big box on his desk. :lol: And Nick's scenes related to the butt implants...too funny.
i think there can be situations where all your training goes out the window (McStokes if you venture back in here you can let me know if it happens in the real police force :D) catherine may be a seasoned csi, but when she was possibly raped it was just too much for her to deal with. she didnt want people to know, she didnt want an investigation. so when shots were fired at keppler she probably wasnt thinking and was just running to help him. in such high stress situations im sure everyone loses sight of whats the most logical thing to do.
As a professional, you are trained not to let your emotions take over, in any circumstance. Otherwise, you just wouldn't function and probably put co-workers, and youself in danger. But then, this is TV and not RL :D
I agree with you allmaple...I think she was more worried about Keppler than her own safety at the time. She was finally starting to get back up on her feet, and now all of a sudden she was knocked down again. She has literally been through the ringer this season...which to me is enough to make someone react in ways they usually wouldn't.
Wojo said:
Some information on Keppler's last episode LOG. It actually mentions Greg, who is the first person to welcome Grissom back according to this article.

Click me

OK sorry, obviously the person who wrote this article knows nothing about CSI I mean who wouldn't know the diffrence between Greg & Hodges! I wonder If I should keep stuff lie this to myself to that way I am the only one dissapointed.

I am so glad Keppler is finally gone. It still angers me that TPTB brought him in in the first place, such little faith in their own remaining cast. So much screen time could have been used to delelope other characters like Nick or Warrick or more of Greg's civil case.

Don't get why they acted so loyal towards him atfer what he pulled in Redrum...and a teary eyed Catherine? She hardly knew him, what's with the tears?

So glad Grissom is back.
I was going to watch CSI last night, but after five minutes, I got bored and switched to Supernatural. I caught snippets of Teh Drama during commercial breaks. I was unimpressed with the "Good Cop Who Made a Bad Decision a Long Time Ago", but I give them kudos for acknowledging that cops have dark desires, too, and I really don't blame Keppler for wanting to kill the asshole who raped his girlfriend. I'm not sure I blame him for even doing it if he did. I do blame him for covering it up.

I don't know why, but I found myself indifferent to Keppler. To me, he screamed SHADY at every turn, with all the skulking and furtive phone calls, and I was pleased that Mountain Man Grissom smelled bullshit right away. The fact that Catherine didn't detect the rich whiff of a simmering patty merely confirmed my plummeting opinion of her, as well as the notion that she wanted to bounce Keppler like a yoga ball. I should also note that Marg, bless her, looked alarmingly like Skeletor in this episode.
YAY!!!!!!! Grissoms back & boy did he ever look so different. Hair's grayer( I guess cause of the play, beards back, YES!!!!!!!. Did he ever look soooooooo good. Loved the episode. I hated that they killed Keppler off though. Was hoping to see him come back sometime down the road. Sara was kind of cool towards Grissom wasn't she? Makes me wonder why? What really shocked me though was Catherines reaction to Kepplers death. Wow that came out of left field. Something else that made me wonder why. Gotta give it an A though.
I guess I am in the minority here as I thought the whole Sara/Grissom scene was not good at all. I did not like how they had Grissom kind of chasing her in the office. That is sooooo not Grissom. They have turned him into some kind of puppy dog. I can't see someone like Grissom acting that way especially in the office. They have castrated the poor guy. So sad as he was such a strong character. I would rather they took him off the show completely then turn him into Sara's puppy.