"Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**


OMG Wow. I just finished watching this episode. I've been waiting for an episode since BTK to really hit me and this did full force. I was a pile of tears at the end ( still am if truth be told :( :( :( ( not enough of these little guys)when Keppler was shot and then pronounced. Like some people here have said I loved Keppler from the start. I've always been a fan of Liev Schreiber. I loved the dark tragic side of Keppler. The flashbacks showed how tortured Keppler was about his past. The fact that he figured out too late. He did his job in the end protecting the witness and proving the case knowing that he would probably die. The final conversation with Catherine on the phone."He's like a guy with nothing to live for...." That just broke my heart.

Frank was a cold heartless...... He played on Mike's misplayed loyalty. What he did to his own daughter..... I'm not even going to go there.

I loved the friendship between Catherine and Kepper. I know that she only knew him for a short time but they had a connection in that short time. Keppler knew that he could call her. They got each other. I understand her being affected by his death.

I wish that Keppler could have stayed around and worked on the day shift but I guess his death was more tragic the way that it was.

Great to see Grissom back (question though why was his voice so hoarse or was that just me?) The GSR moment was adorable. Not in your face but still quite cute.

The question about the hand - The hooker was smart enough to scratch her attacker. Frank realized that his DNA would be under her fingernails so he hacked off her hand so the cops couldn't tie it back to him :eek: :eek:.
I was SOBBING at the end!!!!!! Like my mom came downstairs to see what was wrong! "Kepplers DEAD!"!!! That was a REALLY good Episode though!

I never expected Keppler to be a murderer! I think Catherine liked him.
well, her death was what drove him. knowing that what he did, what he has been working to prevent, was based on a lie. that the guy he looked at as a father... did what he did. and he covered for him.
Wow... this episode completes a number of mid size story arcs all at once, almost at the level of a season ender for intensity and for the collision of forces.

First off, let's hit the romance world. Grissom's time away apparently made the heart grow fonder, and smell of garbage wasn't going to keep him away from Sara. This is maybe the most obvious "scene" at the office so far. Interestingly, there is an undercurrent that they don't stay in touch or share as much of their private lives as we would think, as Sara seemed surprised that he was back. There was the implication that there would be more "later", as in after work.

Second up is Catherine/Keppler. There have been hints that something slightly deeper was giong on (the drinks after dinner scene in a previous episode) and that basically Catherine was the one "friend" on the team. There was certainly some indication of a strong friendship almost on the cross the line level. Catherine's reaction to his being missing, running, etc, was way more than just a team mate deal. The death scene mixes this plus dying in her arms plus having saved her life all in one shot. A big deal, and another emotional scar on Catherine. Plus, IMHO, another indication of why she isn't ready to be a supervisor, she is too willing to make work relationships something else.

Grissom looks totally professorly here... shaggy unkept beard, more grey than in the past, and he looks somehow older. Not a bad look in the end, he ages gracefully.

As far the plot of the show, it is fairly straight forward and obvious. When you get a few story arcs colliding, there is very little wiggle room in how things are going to turn out. Things pretty much play out as expected, Keppler biding his time until he is sure that the police are going to pick up the "other girl" and stuff is going to come out anyway, and decides to try to fix things himself. It is a pointless exercise. The story all but writes itself after the first five minutes.

A really big hole in this story: Two Trenton cops are in Vegas and one of them gets killed. Nobody called back to Trenton? Nobody asked the obvious questions? It just seems that someone would have caught the keppler thing really early on. It apparently took Grissom to get that sorted out (so thank god he is back).

Biggest tease? Grissom picking up the big box and ALMOST opening it. That was a screamer for me.

Overall a good episode, a needed conclusion to a very weird time in CSI land. Now can we move along to developing other characters besides Catherine?
CSISidle said:
I was SOBBING at the end!!!!!! Like my mom came downstairs to see what was wrong! "Kepplers DEAD!"!!! That was a REALLY good Episode though!

Just gotta see glad to see that I'm not the only one. I was shocked and stunned when Keppler was killed. All the emotion came out and I was done for.
I never expected Keppler to be a murderer! I think Catherine liked him.
Hey, I'm an a** man myself and I didn't realize that's what they were for. I wouldn't call it a dumb!Nicky moment. I would call it pure fascination. Haha.

LOL! He did seem a lot like a kid with a new toy...Maybe they oughta issue strap-on butt implants for those hard days in court/watching surveillance tapes/etc....kept reminding me of Archie's quip to Grissom (late S6) about "my butt fell asleep" watching all the tape...

Speaking of Archie, glad to see him get more time, though I have to agree, Greg's time didn't add up to even a full minute - and you know I love Archie, but Greg's a "starter" and Archie's a "bench player", and between the two, Archie got more time tonight. Oh heck, I love 'em both, and it was nice to see them get a little scene together. The hi-tech Hardy Boys, haha.

Everything that I could say about the Keppler situation has pretty much been said. It was friggin' sad. He went out, it not a hero, at least doing the right thing. For just a handful of episodes, he made a good impact.

Spanky. LMAO...

OK, I may just watch this one again. It was a well-written, well acted episode.
ItDontMatter said:
I thought it was very sweet of him to be there for Catherine. Very OOC!
Not at all. :D Remember in Cool Change, he was there for Catherine, right outside the morgue. When Catherine told him that he didn't need to do that, he actually said he wanted to. :)
This was, to me the worst of the 4 episodes that this Keppler was in, first I felt like I was watching the Mike Keppler show, since I have no interest in this character, at all, so boring, yawn-yawn, to go down the path and give us an insight of what happened to him, his father-in-law and the daughter and his past, held absolutely no interest for me at all!! thank gawd he's gone, not that I wanted him to die, just go away, and now he's gone!! the highlight were Nick, always so great..Warrick so intense..Brass as usual the strong force, and Sofia,sweet, and too little of Greg :(. The cutest moment to me was the Grissom and Sara scene, "cute" they acted like teenagers, and a bit clumsy, "I'll see you later, and her, "Yeah, you will" once again showing the audience that their a couple :p. and I understand why she didn't want him close to her, she stunk, and wants to be baby powder fresh, when near him and Cath crying, please, corny, but I gave up trying to understand her agenda some time ago..she knew this guy for what? 4 week's :rolleyes: and on Grissom being back well, he looked nothing like he did on the cover of the TV Guide..very misleading, he looked old, tired and haggard, the scraggly beard,, NOT :eek:!! and he sounded like he had a cold, on top of it!! :(where's the other Grissom?, maybe this was his older brother Bill Grissom :D on to the real CSI team.. this has been a long grueling 4 week's, and now back to some exciting shows, again!!!
Well since my first post didnt' take :confused:
I'll post again

I really liked this one

I like, no really like Keppler
Coming from a HUGE Grissom fan, that's big!

I like how they did portray him a stuggling CSI with a lot to loose and trying to hide it from the one person who actually took an interest in him from the beginning, Catherine
he knew CSI's were smart enough to figure it out
--the missing hand
--prints on the gun
--HIS prints on the other gun

and let me say eewww to the 'daddy/daughter' relationship
maybe some one can clear this up for me
Amy is/was Kepplers wife? But according to the card from last week's episode, she died in 1985, she couldn't have been more than 21 years old!
And I figured out who Frank was the first episode Keppler was in..

Grissom's return was just how he wanted it.. very subtle and un-noticable
He and Sara well.. he couldn't wait to see her and she wanted to change.. ( I don't ship them, those are my observations)

and the end
Catherine liked him and he knew it, he tried to hide everything from her, I wish she could have gotten closer to him at least so he could have told her something, possibly a key to his past

I do have to say CSI has an awesome way of filming things and this episode really reflected that
the dark 'Hotel California' scenes around Kepplers flashbacks were awesome

I really liked it!
3 hours after the episode and i am still speechless. as a total spoiler-free person i think it was the best CSI episode ever. and by saying that - i mean it. i could write a whole essay about how much i loved it. but i can't cuz there are no words. lol. overall 11/10

i will try to write more later though.


oh, and the GSR scene? pure hottness, y'all.
I really enjoyed this episode!

Some of the lighter hearted moments, like Nick's comment about Keppler's suits and the "Spanky" thing were entertaining.

And oh my, did my heart turn over when Nicky was holding the baby! :D

At first I was determined to dislike Keppler, but like others, he grew on me. I was glad to see that he wasn't a completely evil person, just someone who made really bad choices in response to a tragic situation. Once you start down that road, it's hard to double back. I think it spoke volumes about his character that he set up his cellphone in the cooler in such a manner to ensure that the hand would be recovered. Although he knew it might be too little too late, he tried to so what he could to see that the cases he worked on would be secure.

Catherine's reaction to Keppler's death would have suprised me if she hadn't visibly shown her emotions throughout the ep as she did. Let's say they work just 5 days a week (though we know they often pull doubles and extra shifts, etc.) She would have worked with him for some 20 days, not including anytime they may have spent together outside of work. I will be interested to see if his death will have any lasting emotional effects on her for the remainder of the season, or if we will find out whether there was more than meets the eye to their friendship.

Argh! I only yell at the TV during the 3 CSI's! When the credits started rolling at the end I yelled "THE BOX! What about THE BOX?!?" Gah! :mad:

Luckily the promos for next week look good, too!
Look over the episode, there are some holes, purposefully made.

None of this adds up all nicely, though.

His wife, Amy McCarthy was raped and murdered. He thought the murderer was an unknown black male; he then proceeds to hand over the gun to Frank McCarthy. However, there is evidence at some point Frank McCarthy and his buddy (forgot his name) became dirty cops. Frank uses Keppler at least twice (once in Philadelphia and once in Las Vegas).

Frank, feeling that his buddy will eventually turn on him, kills him and his hooker. However, the hooker ends up scratching him, so he decides to cut her hand.

However, I believe that Frank McCarthy intended to also "take down" Mike Keppler, his ex-son-in-law, who knew too much, but clearly never intended to kill him, but to silence him; that's why he placed the gun that Keppler used to murder the unknnown black male in the hotel.

What doesn't add up is why Mike Keppler believes Frank McCarthy raped Amy, and why Keppler believed Frank McCarthy killed her or Amy committed suicide (the flashback was purposefully obscure). Frank seemed shocked and almost angry that Keppler would even state that he, Frank, Amy's father, would do such a thing. In the end, Frank seems to strongly deny he did anything to Amy.

What's obvious? Frank was a dirty cop, who killed his buddy, who also was dirty cop, because he feared his buddy might testify against him. However, what's obscure is whether Frank or the unknown black male raped Amy. Keppler's dreams give no clear and distinct evidence on which is true.

However, I think that Keppler had began to feel incredibly guilty about killing the unknown black male. He began to reflect, and began to believe he killed an innocent man; perhaps putting Frank McCarthy as the "rapist" was a way to rationalize why he shouldn't help Frank anymore.

I want to reiterate again that Frank may have intended to silence Keppler, but he never intended to shoot or even killer Keppler. The minute Keppler took the bullet for the hooker, Frank was shocked - incredibly shocked at what happened. I doubt that he would have looked so shocked if what Keppler said was actually true. But we may never know...

In any case, we may never know what REALLY happened to Amy McCarthy. It's all dreams, imagination, emotions, and now that Keppler is dead, we go back to the Minature Killer case.
I enjoyed this episode very much. Poor Keppler. I actually started to like him in this episode. I was sad to see him die. Frank was a creep. I cannot believe he would do such a thing to his own daughter. The thing that confuses me is did Keppler know he was going to die, since he left the cooler with the hand and note? And he told Frank he had 20 minutes to get there. Would he have killed himself if Frank did not show up?

I got a kick out of the scene between Grissom and Sara- they were like 2 terribly shy awkward teenagers! It was so cute!

And Nick with the baby- that was just too adorable.
What doesn't add up is why Mike Keppler believes Frank McCarthy raped Amy, and why Keppler believed Frank McCarthy killed her or Amy committed suicide (the flashback was purposefully obscure). Frank seemed shocked and almost angry that Keppler would even state that he, Frank, Amy's father, would do such a thing. In the end, Frank seems to strongly deny he did anything to Amy.

I think you missed the part where he comes to that conclusion. He hears the Hooker hired by Frank talking on the phone in the elevator. She is saying how he wanted to call her 'Amy' during sex.
I figured it out in the shower this morning. Liev S. has been called the "greatest Shakespearean actor" alive or something like that, right. So, what better way to take advantage of his talents than to create a classically Shakespearean tragedy with him as the protagonist.