Laurence/Raymond: Man of Mystery

Here's a cool video with Laurence talking about CSI, a Q & A session. He uses his hands alot, and I swear his little finger is bigger than my middle finger:confused:He sure is one classy guy

Thank's gals.. here's another video this is one month ago on July 7, and he's very slim here, with Tavis Smiley on PBS, chatting about Elena Kegan and Thurgood Marshall, he's a very delightful, pleasant guy

Although we'd seen this movie "21" before, it was on the FX channel so we watched it again. A true story of a bunch of math whizzes, and Kevin Spacey as their teacher/mentor, [he's amazing] in a back east college who teaches them how to do "card counting" in Las Vegas. Intense and riveting:wtf: The main kid, Jim Sturgess as Ben is great also with Kate Bosworth. The guy who finally is suspicious, guess who? Yup, Laurence Fishburne as the eye-in-the-sky security, Cole,[he's seriously mean], he starts watching them and realizes their a team and working together. So not to give away the whole plot, it's really good and I suggest everyone see this. A little tid-bit, while filming Kevin and Larry [both Leo b-signs] were seen playing blackjack after work. I can't imagine walking through a casino, and seeing them together.:wtf: A couple of caps of this and the premiere~


LF has a Facebook account, and so far he's got 5,466 recipients.

It's fun to see fans all on the same wave lengths raving about how great he is, and sharing favorite movies, etc. so check it out, if you'd like
also I just ordered this "critically acclaimed" movie with him called "Deep Cover" can't wait, from 1992 also with Jeff Goldblum. Here's a article about it, and a video accompaning it..enjoy

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A recent photo of Laurence and buddies at the play "Fences".. no date available~


And don't forget, he's a presenter tonight at the EMMYS~
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Did any of you fans see him on the EMMYS? last night? He didn't come on till 10 to 8, [it started at 5] and his presentation was "an actor who's won two EMMYS and a TONY" pretty impressive. He did seem a bit aloof, distracted and kinda of embarassed, like "why am I here". He's so sure of himself, but a bit off on this one to me, but he still looked so suave and debonair, and dresses like a million bucks. He did bond with Tom Hank's a winner, they were chatting and smiling with each other. NO photos yet of this awards show but going a ways back some other ones of him~ In October 2006 at the Excellence in Arts Award Show:thumbsup:

