This thread is devoted to the lab techs on the various shows. You know who I'm talking about. Bobby Dawson, Archie Johnson, Tyler Jensen, Chad from NY, and other... Basically, the "minor" characters who don't get much loving.
The topic here is the love lives of these unsung heroes. Who should Tyler be with? What about Bobby Dawson's family? Who does Archie have a crush on? You can pair the lab tech up with a main character, but make sure each pairing features at least one lab tech.
And to be fair, Greggo is a main character, and he is no longer a lab tech. He has plenty of threads devoted to him already, so let's leave this for the less-traveled techs.
Personally, I ship Tyler Jensen with Tim Speedle. I know at least one other person shares this view, but we might be the only two. :lol: Both guys are computer savvy, and they worked together frequently. Plus, they looked adorable together!
Aren't they adorable?