Lab Tech Love--Because Techs Need Love, Too



This thread is devoted to the lab techs on the various shows. You know who I'm talking about. Bobby Dawson, Archie Johnson, Tyler Jensen, Chad from NY, and other... Basically, the "minor" characters who don't get much loving. :(

The topic here is the love lives of these unsung heroes. Who should Tyler be with? What about Bobby Dawson's family? Who does Archie have a crush on? You can pair the lab tech up with a main character, but make sure each pairing features at least one lab tech.

And to be fair, Greggo is a main character, and he is no longer a lab tech. He has plenty of threads devoted to him already, so let's leave this for the less-traveled techs.

Personally, I ship Tyler Jensen with Tim Speedle. I know at least one other person shares this view, but we might be the only two. :lol: Both guys are computer savvy, and they worked together frequently. Plus, they looked adorable together!

Aren't they adorable?
Has anyone read any of Caroline Crane's Speed/Tyler series? Very odd pairing, but intriguing...and hot.

I've written Ryan/Tyler before...hehe. It was a gift.
I always thought that Valara had a thing for Speed. But then Speed died, so that kind of ended that.
I'm willing to give Archie some love :D He's a little younger than I normally go for, but he's so cute and I do love my geeks (the computer games would *have* to go though... ) :lol:
i'm actually gonna be in agreement *chokes* with forensicsgirl here. archie needs some lovin. and i don't mind the trek stuff at all, as long as he can read me klingon poetry that is.
I'd give Archie some loving. :D As a moderate Trekkie, I'd have no problem with the sci-fi marathons and conventions. :)

We've forgotten about an important lab tech (shame on you, IHeartEric!) :p Hodges!!!

Psst! Read me--> Information From Your Mods

Read both posts. :)
We've forgotten about an important lab tech (shame on you, IHeartEric!) :p Hodges!!!


Damn. Hodges...but I didn't forget him...he's all MINE! *laughs menacingly* Not really. Hodges, in my mind, is going out with Greg or Nick and is very happy with either of them.

ctx :D
as far as i'm concerned i'd be fine if he slapped on a uniform and pulled out his phazer to play. hehe.

<-----chances of not being a trekkie? NONE!