Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

Sara smiled as Grissom held her hands. She stood a bit closer to him.

((raven, lol for the zombie RP, we've moved to a thread 2 and I'm waiting for Catherine to drive Sara to the place. :lol:))
"Jim, the suspect was still here," Grissom told Brass as soon as he had gotten out of the car.

"Are you two okay?" Brass asked.

"Yeah...he knocked Sara down, but I think she's okay..."

"Alright, I'll send some uniforms in to clear the house," he said.
((It's ok, just didn't want to get kicked out of my first RP...))

Brass went in with the small army of policemen and after about three minutes, he came back with a handcuffed man. "Your suspect" he said with a grin on his face, "he was hidden under a bed."
{}Oh, poor Catherine...Alexx just about forgot about her.{}

Catherine returned to the brakeroom after finally wrapping up her case. It wasn't a plesent one, but it certainly wasn't the worst that she had been to. With a small sigh, she noticed that she was the only one around, therefore, she was probably going to be alone for a good part of the night. Flopping onto a couch, she looked at the ceiling for a moment, before letting her thoughts take hold of her mind.

{}Gah, I don't know what to do with Greggo either!{}