Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

Catherine returned to the brakeroom after finally wrapping up her case. It wasn't a plesent one, but it certainly wasn't the worst that she had been to. With a small sigh, she noticed that she was the only one around, therefore, she was probably going to be alone for a good part of the night. Flopping onto a couch, she looked at the ceiling for a moment, before letting her thoughts take hold of her mind.
Warrick just walked in to find Catherine on the couch in the break room.
"Hey Catherine. How was your case?"
Sara slipped her arms around Grissom's waist and hugged him. She held him close and turned her head so that he couldn't see she was crying. Sara tried to cry quietly, she didn't want him to hear her.
Sara stopped crying after a few minutes, but she still hugged Grissom. She didn't want to let go, and she didn't want him to let her go. She wanted to stay in his arms because that was the only place that she felt safe in.
Sara pulled away from Grissom as he spoke. She sniffled and looked around. "Yeah. Let's go." Sara said, she walked back into the house and decided to process behind the kitchen counter since their suspect had been there.
Sara got up and flicked the switch that was in a different room. She walked over to Grissom and stood beside him. "What is it Griss?"
"Stand back a moment," Grissom told her. Turning the AV on, he flashed it over the back of the kitchen counter, frowning at what he saw. "Sara, I want you to go back to the lab with Brass."