Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

(Yeah, Warrick is still here too. Actually, I posted this on the previous page...)

"You guys can probably do this without me. I think I'll go help out Cath." Warrick told Nick and Greg.
Hopefully, they wouldn't say anything about how much he wanted to be near Catherine. His excuses were getting silly, but so far, she didn't call him on it.
(So basically, this can go Yobling or Catnip. Catherine, it's your choice! :))
"We should... get back to processing." Sara said quietly to Gil. She looked down at the ground. Would he take the chance to talk to her about what went on between them inside the house? Or would he just forget about it...

( Alexx, I ment that I'm.. appearantly waiting for Greg to post.. ^^; You're up. )

Nick nodded to Warrick. "All right, man, have fun," he replied with a grin to the other man.