Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

Nick frowned a bit, taking her tone into account before drawing a few conclusions. Wrong or right, he was still going to ask. "Is everything okay between you two?"
Sara turned to him and tried to speak, nothing came out. She leaned back in her chair and looked around the room. She finally found her voice, "what do you mean by that?!"
Nick let the subject go for a bit. "I finished up my case all ready and I have to go into court tomorrow so I'm refreshing my memory."
"Have fun," Sara said as she left the room. Since she didn't have anything better to do, she decided to go and bug Greg.

((BurnedToast! Prepare to be bugged! :p))
((Okay, well, I'm going to change what happened lol))

Sara couldn't find Greg, so she walked around and found Brass.

((Steve_Jobs, you're up lol))
{Sorry, it takes alot to bug me sometimes. <.<;;}

Greg walked out of a room with papers firmly grasped in his hand. "Hey, Sara." He greeted, before looking over at Brass with a small smile and a nod.