Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

Well that was an awkward car ride... Sara thought to herself. She waited for Grissom to say something, or for him to get out of the car. The thought of arguing to stay with him lingered in her mind, but then she thought against it.
Suddenly, Brass came out of the building and walked up to the car Grissom and Sara were sitting in.

"Hey Griss, you were looking for me?"
Grissom's comment made Sara smile her usual shy-ish smile, the one where she smiled and then puckered her lips together to stop smiling. "I think you'll get there before me," Sara teased.
Sara glanced at Brass, then looked back at Gil. She gave him one of those 'if looks could kill' stares, then got out of the car and followed Brass into CSI.
