Just Trust Me - LV ; RP

"Grissom," Sara said firmly. She walked beside Grissom and looked in his eyes. "Why can't I stay?"

((hehe, the arguementitive Sara!))
Sara looked back at the counter, then walked out of the house without saying anything else.

((lol make something interesting happen!))
((hehe, alright))

Sara left the building and stood at the front of the house. She looked around and didn't see Brass anywhere, apparently she was supposed to go back to the lab with him... but he wasn't there. Now what should I do?
[:lol: I actually don't know yet :lol:]

When Brass didn't pick up, Grissom walked out of the building and met up with Sara. "I'll drive you to the station, Brass isn't picking up."
((lol! alright))

"Isn't our suspect with Brass already? Why do I need to go back then?" Sara asked, trying again to argue her way into staying.