Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

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    Votes: 4 19.0%
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    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 23.8%
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    Votes: 4 19.0%
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    Votes: 2 9.5%
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  • D

    Votes: 1 4.8%
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:lol: Must be those fangirls again :devil:!

btw, Palm love your Pride & Prejudice avvy. I loved Matthew in Spooks.

Okay, a message from Josh. He posts, personally, every now and then over at

Hey Hey Hey!

No it's not Fat Albert, it's me Josh. And I haven't died.

Oh man it's so good to be able to say hi to all of you again and let you know whats up. There has been a bit of a mix up with my password so I wasn't able to get on. Long story short, my name on FOJG will still be JoshGroban but on it will be Jgroban. just FYI

First and foremost I want to thank all of you for your patience and let you know how much I miss seeing all of your beautiful faces. I've been having the time of my life in the studio, and I've been working non stop on music that I'm so excited to play for all of you. The studio process is one of those things where it just isn't done until it's done and although it's taking a while, it really is because on this 3rd album I'm trying to raise my bar as high as possible, not rest on my laurels, and find the perfect combination of what I've always loved doing and what I've never done before.

In the last month I visited France to work with my great friend and collaborator Eric Mouquet. We finished a couple of songs that I'm very excited about. After that I went to NY for the incredible honor of making my Metropolitan Opera debut (who knew??) with the legendary Barbara Cook. She was kind enough to invite me on stage with her (wouldn't have been at the Met any other way!) to sing 2 of my favorite Stephen Sondheim songs. The theater is something I've always loved, so this was so much fun. They recorded the whole night and both of my songs with her will be on the album Barbara Cook at the Met coming out very soon.

After NY I went to London to work with two incredible producers, Marius De Vries and Guy Sigsworth. My experiences with both of them were as educational as they were rewarding and I'm going back to London in a week to finish those songs up. After London I went back to NY to work with my friend Glen Ballard (who produced Believe). We were both so honored to be in the presence of one of the greatest vocal groups of our time, Ladysmith Black Mambazo. The experience was spiritual and inspiring and I can't wait for you to hear. You'll get a very tiny taste on Good Morning America, as they taped the first session for this song. I'm not sure yet when it's airing but we'll let you know. In April I'll start working with my friend and yours, David Foster and by mid June I'm hoping this album will be complete. After an album is handed into a record label it takes about 3 months for them to package and ship to the stores so it's looking like a late summer, early September release followed by another tour!! I can't wait to get back out on the road and play new music. You wouldn't believe the let down when I got home and had nothing to get ready for at 8 PM.

I want to take this opportunity also to thank you for your tireless efforts for my foundation. The auctions and the donations have helped so much and I'll post again with a detailed update as to exactly what has been going on and how much has been raised. I don't know how you do it but I'm so grateful that you do. THANK YOU!

What else....I was paparazzi-ed in US weekly...that took me by surprise, it's never happened to me before. Had no idea the guy was even there. Ever since that picture came out i've been out wearing the giant blue cowboy hat from the DVD and a shirt that someone gave me on tour that says "kiss me i'm famous". So far no such luck.

Ok thats it I think...I had a great birthday, thank you for the cards and well wishes. My brother says hi and thanks! Take care and see you all soon!

Haha. He's so funny. What with the password. Ahhhh Josh. You never fail to amuse.
And thanks Hummer! I love that movie :D
You're welcome, Palm. It really is an awesome movie. :)

Josh certainly is funny :lol:. I thought I'd post this pic. It's the US Weekly photo he was talking about where he didn't see the guy. I'm thinking," How could he have missed it!?"

Anyway Josh and January:

:lol: Love that caption! I can so see that!

That suit definately goes well with him. For a long time after I discovered Josh all I saw him wear was black. Some even called him the Johnny Cash of opera :p.

Some other pics of our Joshy in black. Caption if you like:



Yum Josh: Dude, no photos until I'm ready, k?

He definately does wear a lot of black. Guess it adds to the mysterious aura about him. Which is good ;).

My fav pic of him is actually when he's wearing all black.

So fine

As apposed to probably the worst Josh pic ever. I think I hear the fashion police! :eek:

Was he playing golf?
*cougsnort* But I love that outfit! It's so Fifties Bop style! Okay, fine, I don't.
But I do enjoy him in turtlenecks. Makes him so much more unique :)

Wowness cap:
Josh: In case you didn't know, this is extremly uncomfortable.
:lol: Hey, I'd arrest him anyday :devil:!

Some fun and hilarious stuff I found concerning Josh:

Grobanite: A fan of Josh Groban...A lover of his music.
An inhabitant of the City Grobania...

Grobanitis---- A contagious infection::
-that causes one to continuously play Josh Groban's cd...
-that causes you to look around whenever the name "Josh" is spoken...
-that makes you look twice whenever you see a man with curly brown hair...
-that spreads wildly among fans, young and old...LOOKOUT!!!
Grobanian Slip: Where you call someone (particularly people with J names) Josh and you have to cover it quickly..."er..I mean John, Joan...whoever!"

Joshfingers: (1) when you're trying to type something while you're thinking about Josh and your fingers won't type the right words. (2) when you're thinking about Josh and your fingers simply stop working. For example: apwoeifawpeoiaweogawap.
Josh Attack: That feeling you get when you hear or read ANYTHING about Josh..especially something new start to shake can't breathe
..your heart is POUNDING, almost jumping out of your chest
..tears begin to form in your eyes......
Joshaholics anonymous: support group hopelessly in love with Josh....none in your neighborhood? Try starting one and see them pouring in...
Josh fright: When you meet Josh and are petrified and feel like melting into a gooey puddle or fainting. Similar to stagefright.
.........Having a sometimes wild, sometimes thought provoking, sometimes AMAZING Josh-dream
....and then waking up to realise they weren't true
.....or sometimes you wake up laughing your butt off .
Groban melting: How you begin to turn into a liquid state (especially at the knees) when you listen to "To Where You Are" and you hear Josh sing " 'Cause you are mine, forever love". Also includes the puddle you become when Josh hits a particularly low or high note.
Obsessive Josh Compulsive: One who keeps going to various music stores pretending to look for other CDs but really just wanting to check out the supply of Josh CDs....for no good reason, just to see them.....
Holy Josh!!!.....what you say instead of swearing when kids or parents are around.....
Josh-a-Bye..or LullaJosh: That's what I call listening to Josh lulling me to sleep every night...It's an amazing thing, how his voice envelops you with warmth and peacefulness.....mmmmmmmmmm
Joshasies: a play on the word "fantasies".... ...nuff said.
Josh Friends: all the amazing people you've "met" because of Josh...those on the message board and in the chatroom. Josh Friends are ones that although you've never met them in person and probably never will, you feel as close to them as you do to your "non-Josh friends". You care deeply about your Josh Friends and look forward to the time you get to spend with them each day.
Drop dead Gor-Josh: scares me to think when I see the real Josh looking so gorgeous and I drop dead!
Wonkamares: no need to explain this one, huh? Just a dream I had that Warner remade "Willy Wonka" and Josh had the lead role.
Grobanwear Collection: New brand of clothing, including turtlenecks, jeans, sunglasses, fleece, and leather items
"Just Josh": cologne made with Josh's favorite scent...whatever it is....
Grobanessence Haircare: shampoo, conditioner-made to give you the "Josh" look and feel......
Grobanville: an asylum for all of us nutty folks to retire to!
:lol: I love those! I get Josh Fingers somtimes :D

And it's true about the young and old thing. I went to buy 'Closer' at HMV and the guy was giving me a weird look when I was paying for it. I asked him why and he said "Most people who buy this CD are in their 40+."
Of course, me: "Dude, have you SEEN this guy?"