Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

  • A+

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • A

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
:lol: Yeah, there are certainly those who just don't get us. My husband is just totally clueless. He's like, "Grobanite? What's that, something from 'Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy'?"

Drop dead Gor-Josh: scares me to think when I see the real Josh looking so gorgeous and I drop dead!

:lol: I may start using that one! Love it!!

*goes off to listen to Joshy
Hey Palm I've seen your icons. Ever think of making some Joshy ones? I've tried my hand.


Anyway, two nice pics of him. Cap if you like.



Orange shirt Josh: Help! The fangirls have my arm!
Yeah Palm your icons rock! You should really feed our Joshy appetites. No pressure though ;)!

Laugh Josh: Oops, I hit the wrong key!
o_O Random request, but sure! That means I get to root around pictures of him and probably faint of an overdose :D

Laugh Josh: Ha, I have no idea what to do!
Orange Josh: Thank you! Don't forget to tip your waitresses and buy a T-Shirt!
I chose Glasses. Because as sexy as he looks, when he puts on those black glasses, it's like he's reaching a whole new level :D

Haha... these are great!

Sorry I haven't been around in a while... *is properly abashed*

I love the captions, the icons, and the Grobanictionary. I am Obsessive Josh Compulsive like unbelieveable and I have Josh Attacks every time I listen to any of the Italian songs on "Closer."

I'm also VERY excited about the upcoming Groban album/tour. I'll see him in concert this time or I'm not a Grobanite!

As for the poll(s), I went with "To Where You Are" and "Per Te" a page or so back, and "no bias" on the glasses vs. no glasses debate. Any Josh is enough for me.

I'm glad we've got the thread up and running again... it was pretty dead a while ago. Keep up the good work!
YAY! Icons. Gorgeous! I love the second one. Mostly because he looks like he needs a hug! :)

Welcome back, Fanatic6! It's great to have you back and hope to see you around more. It's awesome that there are other Grobies I can gush with! ;)

I went with 'with glasses'. I agree with Palm that he ups his own scale when he wears those :devil:!
I just found this thread. I love Josh Groban! I just had one of his songs in my head when I was surfing the 'net tonight, too!

I love "Si Volvieras a Mi", I'm fluent in Spanish, so I love to listen to it and just soak up the meaning.

Another favorite of mine is "Per Te". I got the lyrics and listened to it over and over again, even though I don't speak Italian, I understand most of it. Great melody.

"My Confession" is also one of my favorites. Basically, everytime I listen to him, all I can think about is how incredibly in love with his voice I am. Cool to find other people who love him, too!

On a side note, I did post this in the website forum, but just in case some of you guys might not have seen it, i just made a CSI/ Bones website... it could use members to help make it better. It's called "Forensic Files" ( ).

Maybe we could make a Josh Groban section or something. :)

Love all of your avatars and sigs, too, wow, the people on this site are so talented!

--Jen ( CSI_Bones_FanGirl at Forensic Files)
^Ah, so you actually UNDERSTAND what he's saying.
I just enjoy swaying back and forth pretending I know what he's singing XDD
Welcome, ButterflyGirl to this thread and to the boards. I'm glad that you found this place. Always great to meet other Grobies. :)

I do love all of those songs. Josh really does have such an angelic voice. It really is amazing that a voice so powerful and passionate can come from well, him.

Love your site, btw! Really awesome. :D
Wow, thank you! I've been working hard on it, I'm glad you liked it. I don't have a CSI: Miami section yet... since I don't know enough about that one, but maybe if you joined, you could help us out there.

And yeah, I can understand what Josh is singing, if I have the printed lyrics in front of me while i'm listening to it to start out with. Except for the Spanish, I pick up on that quicker.

Speaking of... I think I'll go listen to some of his angelic voice right now. *blush*
