Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

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    Votes: 4 19.0%
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    Votes: 5 23.8%
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    Votes: 5 23.8%
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    Votes: 4 19.0%
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    Votes: 2 9.5%
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    Votes: 1 4.8%
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Hmm... no one has posted here in a while. I don't have much Josh news to share, but I want to keep the thread alive. We're doing this over at the Sandle thread (only with Greg and Sara of course) so how about a Josh Groban caption contest? I'll start off with the first picture:


haha... a young Josh Groban. This is bound to be interesting. :D
A belated welcome to the thread frodolives33. He certainly has a new CD coming out. The exact release date is uncertain but his website has said 'around March of '06'.

I like the idea of the captioning, Briana. Here's my shot:

Josh: Man, this song is boring. *snore*
Hahaha... good one! Here's mine:

Josh: Wait a minute... this "fortune cookie" is telling me that I'm going to become a famous international singer with multiple hits and screaming mobs of fangirls. *psh* That's never going to happen.
:lol: Funny!!

Okay, a Joshy related piece:

In the December 5th issue of People magazine there is a page on "Thanks, But No Thanks". They asked celebrities what they were thankful for and what is annoying them.

Josh Groban

Thanks: For being home this holiday. I haven't been home for one in a while.
No Thanks: For my dog teething on everything in my house right now.
Wow, no one has posted in a long time. I just wanted to say, Josh Groban was a guest on this Michael Buble concert on PBS last night, and they made fun of each others singing and it was hilarious. Josh Groban is just amazing!
I'm not sure if it will be on again, it was one of those PBS specials that they run while they're asking for money.
Hahaha, and here I thought I was the only one who liked Josh Groban. I only own the one CD of his, Closer, but I'm still holding out for more :)
Goodie! Palm you're a LOST fan and a Grobanite! Awesome :cool:! Josh also has another album, self-titled, that was out before 'Closer'.

Okay, caption time! You guys can caption this pic:


Josh: Like...duh. You know?
Awesome idea HAM!

Josh: Wow, that's a bright light you've got on that camera. What is it, a 300 watter?
I have a Josh Groban poster in my locker, :D

The song To Where You Are is one of my favourites. It was played at the funeral of a very close friend of ours who was murdered, so that song holds a special place in my heart, as does Josh.
So sorry for your friend :(. It really is a beautiful song and I'm glad that his music has served such a devine purpose in your life.

Pusher said:
Josh: Wow, the fangirls are overpowering the police outside. So.. time to book it!

:lol: So funny! Okay a continuance of that:

Joshy run!

Josh: Too late!
:lol: All of them look like their going to maul him! Especially the one shoving out her bouquet like "After him Girls! We'll get him this time!"