Josh Groban ~Grobanites Unite!~

Grade 'Rest in Pieces'

  • A+

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • A

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B+

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • B

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I completely LOVE him. Adore him. Drive my husband insane because I listen to his CDs NONSTOP. I'll get on these kicks where the only music I allow in the house is Josh Groban. And while he likes him too, he prefers stuff like Marilyn Manson and White Zombie. Big difference. :) *sighs* Now I gotta go listen to Closer again!
Hi, LeilaniJade. We're all just like you here. :)

Some Josh news. It has been announced that this song will be on his new album which he will performing with Ladysmith Black Mambazo. You guys may've heard other versions before:


I knew a man who lived in fear
it was huge it was angry
it was drawing near
Behind his house a secret place
was the shadow of the demon
he could never face.

He built a wall of steel and flame
and men with guns to keep it tame
Then standing back he made it plain
that the nightmare would never ever rise again
But the fear and the fire and the guns remain.

It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow
He tells the world that it's sleeping
But as the night came round I heard
it slowly sound
it wasn't roaring it was weeping
it wasn't roaring it was weeping.

And then one day the neighbours came
they were curious to know about the smoke and flame
They stood around outside the wall
but of course there was nothing to be heard at all
"My friends", he said, "we've reached our goal
the threat is under firm control
As long as peace and order reign
I'll be damned if I can see a reason to explain
Why the fear and the fire and the guns remain".

It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow
He tells the world that it's sleeping
But as the night came round I heard
it slowly sound
it wasn't roaring it was weeping
it wasn't roaring it was weeping.

It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow
He tells the world that it's sleeping
But as the night came round I heard
it slowly sound
it wasn't roaring it was weeping
it wasn't roaring it was weeping.

And while I'm at it a pic to caption:

Josh: Seriously, I'm never going to his barber.
Even as lyrics it sounds so beautiful. He better hurry up and finish that CD! I'm eager already!

Josh: Ha. Yeah. I am so in the wrong concert right now...
The lyrics are great and I have had a chance to listen to other versions but can't wait for the Joshified version.

He has been working on that CD forever but in the end it's well worth the wait. I know the general public is going crazy about it. I saw 6 different reports on Josh and the 'Weeping' song since yesterday.
:lol: Your icon makes me laugh so hard, HAM.

*shakes things* Of course we're going crazy?! The prospect of a new CD coming out means him touring again! *dreams*
^^ :lol: Funny!

Awesome news Palm and HAM. Can't wait to hear him sing 'Weeping'.

Now, a pic in celebration of it. I'm starting to love the stubble :devil::

Hey cool pic, Jess.

A question for you guys. This is being done over at You pick the pic that you think would make a perfect album cover for his upcoming one.
Seriously?! Oh baby, I'm there!
Oh, and I just found this out which made me die of happiness. (ignoring the fact that I'm still alive...)

Josh was on an episode of 'American Dad' as a whiny parishioner. And let me just say, he does the best 'WHHHHHYYYY' in a whiny voice that I have ever heard.
Let's give it up for Josh! :lol:
:lol: WOW! He does look a lot like Napoleon. Maybe he can have a role in the sequel, if there is one, that'd be a blast!
For a while a clip of Josh on "American Dad" was on , but they reorganized the clips section, so now I can't find it.

Joshy is the best... I've heard Ladysmith Black Mambazo before, and it's really beautiful music, so combined with Josh I'm sure it'll be simply breath taking. I can't wait! I am soooooo buying his CD the very second it hits stores.

Edit: I actually did find the clip, here, but you have to go to 2005 videos, May through August, and scroll down a bit. It's the only one with a cartoon next to it, so it's pretty easy to spot.
About time for a caption:


Josh: There are a lot of famous curly-haired guys, Michael Landon for instance.
Nice one, HoratioAndMe! My turn-

Josh: You know, it's not that I mind them touching my hair so much as it's a bit frightening to wake up in the middle of the night with fangirls stealing my hair gel.
:lol: Great one!

Hey, call me HAM or HnM if you like. I know my username came give you a cramp :lol:.

I just saw a place for this over at We name things that we did because of Josh. Some of mine:

Because of Josh I started listening to opera.
Because of Josh I discovered that a song can be moving even if you don't know what the singer is saying.
Because of Josh I started this thread. :)