Jorjeous Jorja/Sara discussion part 3

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Thanks for the clarification. :) So I guess she was born there, but not on the bay itself. That would have been nasty! Unless her mother had wanted a by-the-bay birth. ;)

trent_bowie said:
^^I' don't exactly trust the bio CBS has up. It says she's an only child, yet she mentions a brother in One Hit Wonder
I went to (Can we mention sites?) and this is what it says: Sara is an only child biologically, but she was raised in foster care (revealed in Season 5) and apparently had foster siblings.. So she must've been referring to her foster brother. :)
SidLer said: I went to (Can we mention sites?)
Yep you can mention sites like this, since you are not advertising them, but using them as a source of reference. :)
Ok, thanks Destiny. :) Welcome back Roos, you didn't miss a lot, just the wholesome purejorja goodness. ;)

What do you guys think? Is Sara a yoga doer or a gym fanatic... or neither?
Welcome back Roos! :D

Thanks for the info, Destiny! :D *gasps* OMG! I've been spelling Tomales Bay wrong all this time! :eek: This against everything I've ever known! :eek: j/k ;)

SidLer said:
What do you guys think? Is Sara a yoga doer or a gym fanatic... or neither?

My opinion, Sabrina, is actually neither. She was trained in weaponless defense (I'm guessing before she ever went out into the field as a CSI), so that probably helped build muscle, etc... But Sara is so dedicated to her work, I wouldn't think she would have the time (or energy) to do either. Remember in Table Stakes, when Catherine calls her and wakes her up on her day off? I suspect Sara just sleeps most of the time whenever she gets the chance; the poor dear spends all the time cooped-up in the lab working on her cases running solely on caffeine that I wouldn't think she'd be able to fit it into her schedule (and I'm sure her body demands rest).
quoth_the_raven said:
She was trained in weaponless defense (I'm guessing before she ever went out into the field as a CSI)
She was? How come I know not these things? :p I think she has been trained in martial arts at some point in her life. I definitely don't see her doing the tree position or hitting the gym 6 times a week. She runs on two things: work and caffeine, and has almost no (or zero) "me" time to herself. But I think in one of those rare occasions where she's actually not working or sleeping in the break room, she runs a few miles near her home to work off some sweat and frustrations. :)

trent_bowie said:
I'd say katas.
I can see Sara having learnt kata, or even karate or taekwondo. ;)
^^And she wasn't real specific, which could mean any kind of technique, really. :p Hmm, what kind of style would Sara go for? Judo? Bushido? Boxing? T'ai Chi Ch'üan? Krav Maga? Oh, the possibilities. I feel a Sara fight scene coming on...


please stand by for the second coming of Xena after these messages... :p
:lol: True, it could've even been the stuff my friend was taught at her school :lol: It was basically a guy approaching from behind and wrapping his arms around her neck, and when she tried to get away from him he grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the ground (sounds a bit scary, I know, I would've kicked that guy's ass...well, I would've tried :rolleyes:). I think that's the pretty standard stuff. Sara's in law enforcement, so they probably would have had a more 'advanced' method for weaponless defense, seeing how it's called 'weaponless' defense, so you'd probably end up using it even with a gun trained on you :p
Anybody remember how fast Sara moved in Sex, Lies and Larvae? I've been watching it and slo-mo and Grissom could barely restrain her (she slipped out of his grasp twice). Scott Sheldon coulda been a smear on the wall.

Oooh, and looky what I found . Looks like it's standard law enforcement training, with a lot of emphasis on self-control. And man, do they get thorough.

Yeah, I'm a reseach whore...
I did Karate, when I was younger. :). I consider doing it again, coz' I'm getting fat! It's so funny! It's a nice sport.
Strip Strangler. Thanks for the refresher Ann. My memory's been terrible these few years. Heh. :p

trent_bowie said:
Hmm, what kind of style would Sara go for? Judo? Bushido? Boxing? T'ai Chi Ch'üan? Krav Maga?
Wow. Ok I've heard of Judo and Boxing, but the rest... *stumped* I think Sara would go for Tae Bo – cardio-boxing. Very Sara-ish don't you think? ;)

Oh, if she were to have a fight scene with Xena, she'll definitely kick some warrior princess butt. :D Great links btw! You're a research whore eh? If only you were in my project team. Whenever someone mentions research we turn on our heels and run.

quoth_the_raven said:
It was basically a guy approaching from behind and wrapping his arms around her neck, and when she tried to get away from him he grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the ground (sounds a bit scary, I know, I would've kicked that guy's ass...well, I would've tried :rolleyes:).
Or you can try Gracie Lou Freebush's method! SING. Solar plexus, Instep, Nose, Groin. You know, I can totally see Sara doing a SING on some sleazeball. :p
SidLer said:
Or you can try Gracie Lou Freebush's method! SING. Solar plexus, Instep, Nose, Groin. You know, I can totally see Sara doing a SING on some sleazeball. :p

:lol: My dad was trying to approach us from behind one time (as 'practice' I suppose :rolleyes:) to see if we could escape. I stomped on his foot and he let go and I told him I learned that move from Miss Congeniality :lol: *cough* :p

Sabrina... :lol: I really can see Sara doing that. Jeez...wouldn't that be friggin' awesome??? :lol:
Yes it would be friggin' awesome! :D That sleazeball wouldn't know what hit him once she gets to the last step! :lol:
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