Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

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DW I moved the pic post from the discussion thread to here so you don't think it disappeared.
Jorja is the Spring '09 face of Green with Glamour. Go to their website for a profile and a couple of pics.

But hit up their blog for some major hotness like this. The Photoshoot was shot by Lelah Foster. Surprise.
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Jorja is the Spring '09 face of Green with Glamour. Go to their website for a profile and a couple of pics.

But hit up their blog for some major hotness like this. The Photoshoot was shot by Lelah Foster. Surprise.

Yay! Thank you so much! I'm total sucker for your Jorja updates;) Great photoshoot, Lelah has the touch. Jorja looked stunning in this clothes:)
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