Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

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Oh I agree, as hot as she is when she's red-carpet ready, when she's casual like that, it's all Jorja -- as herself, not trussed up like a turkey as other celebs do.
I'm not thrilled with the clothing choices, personally, but I'm happy she's having fun & is in a comfortable, non-stressful environment ;p
I like her outfit, that's the way folks dress here, and she blends in with the crowd, wihout people knowing who she is. I'm surprised she doesn't have on shorts though. We're having a heat wave it's 95, so those pants look 'hot' another shot of her:thumbsup:

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I love her "You lookin' at me?" face in that first pic....LOL

The dog she's holding in the last one is soo sweet; and it's cute how he's all lovey on Jorja ;)
On Jorja being at the Coachella Music Festival this past weekend, my daughter has a friend who was there, and they had a VP celebrity tent set up, with a full bar, buffet, changing rooms, cots etc. and security all around. She spotted Drew Barrymore, but didn't see Jorja. So when the were tired or hungry, or whatever, they just went in this tent and did what they wanted to do.. Nice perks:bolian:

Granted I am a criminal justice/forensics major, I just took a social problems class, and the majority of it was spent going over the inequalities between the "elite" (celebrities can be included in this class) and the "everyone else" (us). The point of my rant is that I hate the fact that celebrities receive such special treatment that nobody else gets. And why? JUST because they are celebrities, JUST because everyone knows their name. Not because they are somehow better or more intelligent or somehow more worthy of this treatment, but it amazes me that we give SUCH preferential treatment to celebrities and the everyday Jo Shmo is disregarded as 'normal' & 'unworthy.'

Security guards, bodyguards, etc who risk themselves to protect other mere humans who work so hard to say "we're just like you" and yet accept private getaways/tents/whatever with security and EVERY luxury possible on the other hand....It's just insane...absolutely insane....

Sorry, this isn't necessarily jsut directed at Jorja, but just something I realized while taking my Social Problems exam just now, and re-thinking on everything I've learned. EVERYONE deserves treatment like this. EVERYONE.
To be quite honest, I fully agree with you, but as for Jorja, even though she was in the VIP section, I can't imagine she took advantage of anything in there, other than perhaps added privacy of the tent.

I think we all know how low maintenance she is, and she thankfully does not possess the same "gimme gimme" attitude that most celebs have.
KC: Why thank you :) Sorry about the ranting...I just get fired up and if the flame isn't extinguished fast it's a baaaad deal!
Your comment was precisely why I didn't mention Jorja; she doesn't have that attitude, and that's such a good thing. I don't think any of the CSI cast does....but there are some celebs who DO and it's sick....*sigh*

GO Jorja for not being one of the Gimmes!! :)
Criminalogist here's the deal, a VIP area is for celebrities, and that's why they have them:) and they've earned 'special treatment, if any Tom, Dick or Harry who came down on a bus or however shouldn't be allowed in the that area, they've got drink and food stands throughout for the regular population. I was at a Robert Plant concert in L.A. [THE FORUM] a few years back and my daughter who's in radio, got VIP passes,[I've still got mine] and we saw him up close and personal. I was very starstruck. Now this place holds thousands and thousands of people, just think if anyone or everyone could come into those areas, it would be complete chaos..I'm sure Jorja is not a snob, but she is a celebrity, and the kudos that accompany that are her's to enjoy~

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But my entire point is that there should NOT be special treatment for celebrities. Think about why they are celebrities: because WE (the "general population") make them celebrities. WE pay for magazines with articles or pictures of them, WE ooh and aaah over them, WE worship the ground they walk on, WE insist they are somehow worthy of preferential treatment that should be given to EVERYONE (the "general public" as you called them). EVERYONE is a VIP- there should be no celebrity status. It's absolutely ridiculous. It's putting all of this extra worth on someone who is NOT any different than we are- they still eat, sleep, pay bills, earn money...They are just owners of the top 3% of disproportionate wealth in this country and happen to think they deserve VIP treatment.

It's a true theory that IF we, the American people and our friends in the UK and other countries STOPPED giving these people preferential treatment, if websites like x17online and PEOPLE magazine and EXTRA! STOPPED worshipping these people, EVERYONE would be the same, and there would be NO need for a VIP tent- EVERYONE would have equal access to the "finer" things in life generally reserved to those who are deemed "worthy" of these "nice things", when in reality, EVERY single person you see on the street, including yourself, is just as deserving and eligible for a private tent, security, etc as they are.

I don't think Jorja fits into the "gimme gimme" catagory, as mentioned earlier, and she is not your typical celebrity; I think she'd wholeheartedly agree with me though...I really do,a nd I think she lives this way....however it doesn't change the fact that "THEY" (celebs) get a full bar and the "general public" has to wander and wait in's disgusting.
You are entitled to your opinion, so that's cool, and if anybody could come in these 'special rooms' they'd drink all the boos, eat all the food, possibly do drugs in the porta-potties, and maybe puke as well, then there's the stalker weirdo factor, and people have guns today, so the stars would be at high risk. There just has to be a line drawn. I also was in a VIP room at the San Diego when my girlfriend and myself saw the "Stones", however we weren't allowed to hang out with the boys in the band, they had their own private room. but saw then 2nd row, at the concert AWESOME:bolian: It's just the way it is... At your school do you hang out an eat lunch with your professors/teachers, or do they have their own area, and you students have yours? I would imagine that Jorja does enjoy the perks, of this~or maybe her and her friends rented a RV, there's a place to park those, and spent the night in that~

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If you'd read her post properly, she said that if WE didn't WORSHIP them the way we do, then there wouldn't be incidences of stalkers or harmful people etc, therefore, no need for VIP areas. That was the point. If we continue our behaviour, then bodyguards and such are justified. If we didn't fawn all over them, the point of special treatment for them would be moot.

And students vs teachers is a horrible analogy, as Teachers have a justifiably higher rank than students, because teachers TEACH, and students LEARN. Celebrities, logically, should not be considered "better" or higher ranked than other people just because their job is a little different, or they earn more money.

PS - None of this belongs in the Jorja picture thread.

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