Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

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I do not wish to offend anyone by posting this, but this is a thread for Jorja/Sara pictures. Everyone can post any pics they wish.

Desertwind has an ignore list. So she will not see pictures that have been posted by people she has on it. Therefore pictures may be repeated, but many pictures have been repeated in the past.

That can help seeing as some websites do not let some people access pics, depending where they are situated. Though this time both sites can be accessed easily.

To cease this little snippy episode, the ignore site can be a blessing or a curse, each has their own opinion, and everyone is allowed to express their opinion.

Let's stop the snippy comments and backtalking yeah? It will make the thread more pleasant for everyone to visit and read. Let's just post pics of Jorja and let's all appreciate her, that's what this thread is for. It's not a thread for people to consistently argue over little petty things.

As I said before, I DO NOT want to offend anyone, I just wish some people on this thread can become a little more friendly toward one another. If someone says something you don't agree with, don't aggravate them or yourself by talking back and arguing.

To go back on topic, the pics are great in here. I love the collage(s) of the One To Go behind the scenes. Jorja and the sweet little monkey :) Adorable.
^ As much as your intention is very much apreciated, I don't think you really got what was happening here. kc didn't know DW had her on ignore so it was understandable that she pointed out the same pics had been posted right before DW. And that's not even the problem here. Kay addressed that those were her scans and she wasn't impressed that people just took them away from her LJ (they were orginally posted there) and spreaded them and didn't even bother to spend a few seconds imforming her about it. And DW, instead of saying thank you, was being her usual ignorant self and argued about how those scans were in public domain and how everyone could use them. You know why people watermark the pictures they post? Because there are ungrateful thieves who just take away the pictures, repost them and claim the pics as their own. Crediting is basic internet etiquette. People make time and efforts to make stuff available for you on the net, and crediting them is the least you can do for them in return. But I guess there are, and always will be people who just take everything for granted. If this doesn't stop, the watermarks will only get bigger and more annoying which is all fans' loss, and you'll know who to blame.
Oh no I understand that, and I agree :). Crediting is the respectful thing for people to do. I wasn't talking about how kc and Kay were discussing crediting. When kc realised they were Kay's pictures, she credited and that was a nice thing to do.

I know how people steal pictures and call them their own, it's happened to me in the past, and like above when I raised the issue the person credited me. Yet, when I looked at the pictures posted, I didn't see the watermark until I read the post about it being there. I personally think it was slightly too small, just a bit bigger and I would have noticed it right away. Maybe other people didn't notice it either?? It's just a suggestion ;).

Plus, watermarks don't necessarily need to be annoying. Even if they do get a bit bigger, if they are placed at the corner of the picture, people will notice yet it won't ruin the pic.

I was just talking about the last couple of posts. They, to me, seemed to get a little hostile. That's all.
I wasn't talking about kc either. She's a great person and what she did was a good example of showing respect to people. :) I just wish others were as respectful as she is. My point was that someone posted some pics without crediting. Maybe it was unintentional, which was fine. Things like this happen. But when the source of the posted pics pointed out that the pics were hers and that they were taken away without notice, this someone didn't even say thanks to the source. She got defensive and gave a rather rude response instead. I wouldn't be surprised if there are less and less people sharing stuff for free or if watermarks on pictures get bigger and bigger because of such cr*p, and that would be thousands of people's loss. :(
So, I asked about this in the no-pic thread for Jorja, but haven't seen any replies to it thus far, so I thought I'd sneak over here & ask too....Does anyone know if Jorja is involved in any specific organizations that raise awareness about puppy mills and/or stop them? If so, anyone have any linkage or what not?
This is a cause I was very recently introduced to and just wanted to know if Jorja was behind anything....

Thanks ;p
Yes, the Humane Society of the United States, which Jorja is involved with (as recently as last nights Casino Event and Poker Tournament which we're still waiting on pics for), has it's own website dedicated to stopping puppy mills. You can check it out here

PS - Thanks for the kind words Eri, you hit the nail on the head. It wasn't about who posted what picture, it was more about taking 5 seconds to edit a post and give credit where credit is due. Instead of taking 5 minutes to post a long winded, and very rude, reply.
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^^^ Is it me you are talking about here? If I came across as rude I'm sorry, it's just some people seemed to be turning a little hostile and they know who they are. I said I didn't wish to offend anyone, and I'm terribly sorry if I did, it was not my intention.

I also certainly didn't mean for you to be insulted/offended as you were not part of my post. I agree with Erica that you were thoughtful and credited where credit was due when you found out it was needed. That was nice and respectful.

Sorry again if I have said something wrong :(
Destiny's not on right now, and this situation got a little heated, so let me try to cool it down:

The ignore list is for people who continually want to start confrontations and argue and insult others, so it's a blessing, one doesn't have to deal with those snarky remarks anymore, it's a lovely idea;),and this isn't a Jorja Fox fan-site it's a CSI site featuring her, as well as others, and sign on a CSI fan-site but never discuss anthing pertaining to CSI..odd, and on collages that are posted, some are on the internet and from the magazine, and if it's on the interent it's up for public consumption, some are downloaded, from there, and I don't care if Barack Obama's initials are on it, it's from the magazine and not someones private album;)some more from the last episode~

Desertwind, I'm not sure if you're implying that those scans were yours or not, but the scans came from kaylyne's personal Livejournal, and she even watermarked them with a yellow watermark. You're right, this isn't a Jorja Fox fan site, but this is a Jorja Fox thread, so the content can be posted in here. The scan was from the magazine, but it was also from someone's private album.

Also, lets try not to call other board members ignorant. ;) I like to think of it this way in the fandom--we don't like to see our favorite characters get called names, so let's not call people who participate in the fandom names. :)

Hopefully I didn't make a fool out of myself with this post and I did a good job. :lol: I'm used to running Websites! :guffaw:
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So, I asked about this in the no-pic thread for Jorja, but haven't seen any replies to it thus far, so I thought I'd sneak over here & ask too....Does anyone know if Jorja is involved in any specific organizations that raise awareness about puppy mills and/or stop them? If so, anyone have any linkage or what not?
This is a cause I was very recently introduced to and just wanted to know if Jorja was behind anything....

Thanks ;p
I answered you over there :)

Wave from Jorja

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Alright enough, I am here now and while I appreciate you trying to help, please hit the NM or PM next time. btw you didn't make a fool of yourself. Thank you.

Pictures on the internet in private website albums should in fact be given credit, pictures on the internet on some public websites should be given credit if in fact said website states they would like credit for use of said pictures. - Also remember anyone (not pointing fingers) can alter pictures sometimes unless the watermarks, etc are put right in the middle of the pic which then makes it no fun, that could happen. Also if your site doesn't have the disclaimer if you will that you want credit then advice put it on there and recommend it to others who feel the same way. Also don't do it in small writing, people can and sometimes do miss it, make it large enough to not be missed. - There are someways to keep pics from being grabbed (until they figure a way around it) and that is to use a right click stop code, this stops people from right clicking and saving the picture.

Needless to say the argueing is understandable, credit was wanted for pictures put up by one, one person had the ignore feature in use and therefore could not see any response about it. Needless to say there was a misunderstanding, and hopefully the rightful parties involved can get it straightened out. BUT let me make one thing clear, the term "up for grabs" does not pertain to everything, and if a site or magazine, etc says to obtain permission or give credit then it is only reasonable that one do so.

What I think is really needed is people stepping back and taking a deep breath and relaxing, anger, etc is un-necessary when a calm discussion can accomplish the samething between the parties involved, if you pop in to advise (such as said person is using said feature) that is fine done calmly but after that leave it between the parties please. Now again deep breath......... release and relax..... Now store what happened and lets it sink in and hopefully next time it won't repeat itself. ;)
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WOW:wtf: I didn't know this was going to turn into a fiasco, on this one picture, and with respect to the moderators Destiny and vegaslights
I will explain the way this happened. One this picture apparently a fan found it on a Tax Dollars site, [from a person called Lanos] which I'm not on, and posted it on the other CSI that I do frequent. I asked the moderator if I could use it by downloading it on my account, and he replied "Did this person take these photos, or ask permission from the Titan Co. who publishes the CSI Magaine"? I go "I don't think so, and told him about the initials on it", which are so small one can't even see them... He replied that "when it's on a public site, it's "up for public consumption, and putting one's initials doesn't mean it's their's, regardless if it's in a "private journal" it's the magazines property, and that it's cheesy and tacky to make one think it's theirs" their words, not mine.. so beings some fans are on my ignore list, because of constant derogatory comments that are totally unneccessary, and accomplish nothing~ I didn't see their posts, therefore, I didn't think I was in errors. And on the ignorant comment, it doesn't really matter, cause' I consider the source, at least I'm not living in a fan-fiction, fantasy world, about two fictional characters, and know what twosome, these same fictional characters on CSI, ended up together, vs two who didn't... and never will:rolleyes:

An as to internet etiquette Destiny will verify that anytime, I for instance post a Billy Petersen pic. or any other cap from another site, I always give credit, for those, and on Fan-Art as well, always have and always will~

Also thank's to MissMurder for always being kind, considerate and understanding, it's appreciated and if everyone was like you, how cool that would be:thumbsup: so moving on, here's a cool collage with Jorja~

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DW I don't care what was said by another person on another site, yes in the past you have given credit, but just because a person on another site says all of that doesn't make it necessairly true, just convient for them as they maybe doing the samething, which caused this dust up. So of course they will give you that advice.

If you know where it comes from or suspect where it comes from just give the credit, if you are unsure of where another site got it, then state that your unsure of the source at this time. This would have allowed the person who deserves the credit to speak up. The fact that you couldn't see them because of the ignore button okay fine, but it was talked about by other posters in this thread, you could have went back long enough to to look and see what they were talking about. But this isn't what you did from the sounds of it and that is what is upsetting alot of people.

You got it from another site, this is what you are saying, you also say you didn't know whom to give the credit to, therefore you know now where it came from, and who credit should go to, so instead of explaining it out, wouldn't it just be easier to give the credit, and explain to that person how it happened instead of to me. All they are asking is for fairness and I don't see that being that hard to give them that.
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