Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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SaraSidleRules8 said:

She's a vegetarian so...I guess...lettuce? :lol:.

No I'm kidding. Probably organic stuff and tofu. I know she mentioned something about tofu....

Not every vegetarian eats healthy stuff *points at self* But I'm sure Jorja does.

I really love her cutie pie beer belly. She's happy with who she is and I adore that.
Remember in "BTK" when Grissom brought her the "veggie burger" YUCK, for me, but for her I guess yummy :p cute scene and poor Warrick, didn't get any :(

MissRoosFox said:
Veggie burgers are love. At least, they are in Holland. We have all kinds of veggie burgers and they really rock.

You bet! I actually like veggie burgers better than the "normal" ones. :)

And Jorja's incredibly pretty. She's skinny indeed, but she also has that lovely belly. I have a friend who has a body exactly like hers and she's gorgeous... But only one in the world is Jorjeous. :D
Here's a couple from tonights re-run of "DOUBLE CROSS" a religious theme.. and some real strange happenings :eek:


ILoveBilly I swear I thought that was Julia Roberts :eek: '89' how old was she, 18? she's 37 now. boy does she have a thick head of hair.. she look's better now, huh?

From "Poppin' Tags"
i belive was her first movie...the name is The Kill-Off she plays Myra Pavlov.I want see this movie..i saw some parts and Jorja make a really greattt job!!!
Click Pic 1


she born in 1968 that means she had 21 years old :)

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Hi,ppl wonderful pics..time without posting here lol
Just to be sure, Jorja fox is signing for season eight right?
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