Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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Nesting Dolls is one of my favorite episodes. Loved how she acted througout the whole episode. Very well done, I think she deserve(d - and still does)s an Emmy.
I agree with you Roos. That episode was her best acting :D But then we've to give a lot of CSI actresses Emmy's :lol: But Jorja deserves one! :)
Jorja defininetly deserves an Emmy on her acting in Nesting Dolls. I was so impressed when I saw that episode. It's one of my favorites, too.

Oh and happy birthday, SaraSidleRules8!
I loved how she stood up to Ickly Ecklie in "Nesting Dolls'when he called her into his office.. she can be fiesty, when cornered.. he goes (after he suspended her) "you'll apologize to Cath" she goes "No, I won't" :eek: with her haughty attitude.. you go girl..she's a versatile actress!! for sure

Yeah, it's one of my favorites too. Especially the last pic, in the orange dress. Her smile is the cutest ever! :D
CSI_Willows said:
^ That's my favourite photoshoot from Jorja 2, grissoms_gurl :D Thanks for posting! :)
No problem CSI_Willows! I figure I should spend a little more time in this thread... I'll be back! :lol:
grissoms_gurl said:
*pops in*
I just have to say that these are my absolute Jorja favorites! She look fantastic!
*pops out*

BREATHTAKING..nice pictures, the #4 what a smile..lights up a room.. and in "The Hunger Artist" Grissom saying "I got a gal named Sara" yes he does.. what a beautiful couple :p magical!!!

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