Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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Possible explaination, makeup to cover.

Example, on the now canceled show charmed, when they first started out you couldn't tell they had tats because makeup covered them (back then the network thought it taboo to have women on tv with them) as the show went on they were revealed.

As to CSI it could be that she wears temps or it could be that occassionally she has them covered up so as to do something different. I never paid attention if she had one or not lol.
Little heads up for the dutch Sara/Jorja fans: This week's Micro Gids has a article on Jorja.
(We always get the Micro Gids so I was actually squeeling that they finally mentioned CSI)
As soon as I can, I'll scan it, but our scanner at home doesn't work cause my dad's pc is broken and he lost the software for it -_-'
Rena_Sanders said:
Little heads up for the dutch Sara/Jorja fans: This week's Micro Gids has a article on Jorja.
(We always get the Micro Gids so I was actually squeeling that they finally mentioned CSI)
As soon as I can, I'll scan it, but our scanner at home doesn't work cause my dad's pc is broken and he lost the software for it -_-'

Well, that sucks on the PC being down.. when, and if you can, please post it!! ;)

COMMITTED "here come the crazies"
thanks Destiny. i think she might have had a temporary one, cuz they showed her arms a lot of times this season and i'd swear there is no sign of anything.

if she has it, they have a damn good make-up team.
desertwind said:
Rena_Sanders said:
Little heads up for the dutch Sara/Jorja fans: This week's Micro Gids has a article on Jorja.
(We always get the Micro Gids so I was actually squeeling that they finally mentioned CSI)
As soon as I can, I'll scan it, but our scanner at home doesn't work cause my dad's pc is broken and he lost the software for it -_-'

Well, that sucks on the PC being down.. when, and if you can, please post it!! ;)

COMMITTED "here come the crazies"

yea please post it when you can.

anyone can't wait for this weeks episode?
i saw a preview of part of it on that keppler website and it looks like Sara is being pushed to do something she doesn't want to do by Nick. I also saw a funny scene between her and Hodges.
Another one of her with some of her cast mates.. ;)From 'Ch Ch Changes"

Adzix said:
thanks Destiny. i think she might have had a temporary one, cuz they showed her arms a lot of times this season and i'd swear there is no sign of anything.

if she has it, they have a damn good make-up team.

In an interview I saw a tattoo she had on her right arm but I've never seen it in CSI. So yeah, that's a damn good make-up job!
We had a discussion about that tattoo in the Discussion thread #3, you might want to look at that. And thanks, Rena_Sanders about the information! My gran gets the Mikro gids everyone so I'll tell her to bring it. :)

'Bout the tattoo again, I don't like it actually. Dunno why but it just doesn't fit her.

Love the Ch Ch Changes pic you posted, desertwind, I really love the look on her face.
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