Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #4: A Beautiful Soul

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But I think her best acting (was she really acting?) was in Table Stakes :devil: A grumpy Sara was so cute:
kaylyne said:
But I think her best acting (was she really acting?) was in Table Stakes :devil: A grumpy Sara was so cute

I rewatch that episode just for those scenes :devil: She's not a morning person, plain and simple :p But what girls are? :p I loved that little sting to her voice, "Suck it up Greg, you're well rested." :devil: I almost don't think she was acting, I think what they did to Jorja was wake her up early in the morning with a knock on her trailer and a cup of coffee, "Rise and shine!" And her response: Wtf?

hehe.....I'm so hopeless when it comes to this sort of stuff, so this is the first time I've de-lurked on here to say hi .....hi :lol:
Lovely pics!
and definitely is great that they're friends in real life, there are lot of pic of them together having the one you post it kaylyne also the one there are singing..I'll love to see that, Btw anyone know where can I find a clip of it?
Quick question:
Was Jorja at the Golden Globes?
PS: Just tell me the site, don't put me the link cause I know is not allow :)
That sucks that JF wasn't there.....but Emily Procter was at the after party. She might of went with her or something. (I know I know, wishful thinking :lol:)

You never know, she could've been there, but I have the GG's worked all out. They only talk to people who get nominated or are winning an award XD
It's a shame.. well hope to see her soon..since it's award's time..maybe at the SAG. I just hope I can see her at least once on my always I watch the clips when the awards already passed.
hey y'all. couldn't find the general Jorja thread so i'm gonna ask this question in here.

in one of the last interviews about S6 last year (regarding WTG i think) Jorja had a tatoo on her right arm. but in S7 Sara has her sleeveless shirts on multiple times, just to name the ending scene of LLV, and she doesn't have any tatoos.

maybe she had one of those temporary ones last year or maybe i was hallucinating or something. does anyone know a possible explanation?
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