Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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I hear the Late Late show has been cancelled due to writer's strike? Pity. Would have loved to see Jorja in an interview. Hope she'll still be on The View.
I just found this incredible "quote" from our girl, on this web-site, and it will squelch any slanderous remarks that have been circulating as of late, on her personal preferences ~ ;)also her feelings on her cast mates, including WP, and she also states "I think I've been a little in love with all of them at one time or another"

Beauty is everything
Love is innocent
A future with the perfect MAN is life

Jorja Fox

JORJA's COMMENTS click on full bio. scroll down a ways, and it's her own words/comments!
DW, The "in love with her co-stars" quote was from the article in the June 2007 issue of Curve:

(an excerpt from interview)
C: Do you see yourself settling down, married with kids?
JF: I don't know if I'll ever completely settle down, but I certainly believe in love, and I love love, and I hope that I'm lucky enough that I'm able to sort of be with somebody in a way that I can see is for a long time. That would be nice. I've definitely had commitment issues all my life about everything, whether it's a job or a love interest or a place to live. Like I said, I'm really a nomad. I come from a long line of nomads, so I think I'm part of that L.A. syndrome.

C: Plus, you meet other actors who are total nomads.
JF: I am terrible at the long-distance relationship thing.

C: And you don't want to fall in love with co-stars because if it doesn't work you have to see them every day.
JF: I think I have been in love with every one of my co-stars at a different time or another.

C: I think I have been in love with your co-stars, too.
JF: [Laughs] I'm lucky at that. And that would be a second thing, like, what do I love about my job? I really love the people I work with.

That was a nice interview.
May I ask how reliable that "quote" is? I definitely don't remember her saying that and I'm quite sure I've read and seen all of her interviews. Does anyone know where that is supposedly coming from?
I don't think she was talking about being with a man on earth. The quote to me sounds like she talking about god. A Future With the Perfect Man is Life, as in life is journey that ends with us being with god. God being the perfect man. And by the way desertwind, since when is speculating about someone (not just jorja) being gay slanderous? Maybe you need to look up the definition of that word because none of the posters were being slanderous in their remarks.
kc_from_kc said:
And by the way desertwind, since when is speculating about someone (not just jorja) being gay slanderous?

Yeah, not a good choice of word, a little insulting if I must say :rolleyes:

The quote would be more conclusive with an article title or a date or the circumstances where said "quote" was made.

I don't recall any article with this comment. For all we know, it could be anybody who post this quote, with a goal in mind. ;)
let's play nice ladies
but i too don't remember seeing that quote before, and it seems to me as if she may be qouting soemthing else.
who knows.\
i love reading all her little quotes though, they make me smile. kind of like...chatting w/ a pal. she's got such a great perspective on things

and george is right, there is only one jorja fox and i'm going to miss her like hell ....after you know what you know when......grrr
GSRfanatic25 said:

and george is right, there is only one jorja fox and i'm going to miss her like hell ....after you know what you know when......grrr

I will miss her as well, and it's disappointing the Late show was cancelled I hope they reschedule when the strike is over.
Taryn said:
it's on Jorja Fox net Curve Interview

The question was not where the interview came from but where the "Beauty is everything. Love is innocent. A future with the perfect MAN is life" came from.

I googled it and came up with 7 results, all just quoting that very sentence, and neither with a valid source. My guess is that someone made it up and spread it on the net, as there is nobody who seems to know when or where Jorja supposedly said it.

kc_from_kc said:
And by the way desertwind, since when is speculating about someone (not just jorja) being gay slanderous? Maybe you need to look up the definition of that word because none of the posters were being slanderous in their remarks.

Exactly. We've had the discussion before and I thought we had established that -regardless of Jorja's orientation- it is unacceptable that saying someone is gay is thought to be an insult.
I was not sure where to post this, so mods, I apologize if it is in the incorrect place. I know that some people have expressed their support for the writers by sending food and the like to line. I received and e-mail from David Rambo that he would like me to share. As for the Jorja part, she was walking the line with all of the writers yesterday. The previous day had David Berman, William Petersen and Robert David Hall.

"Now, in all seriousness, I have to tell you that food and water are turning out to be in bountiful supply at our picketing spot. The generosity of fans, agents, production offices, and others is overwhelming. We talked about this phenomenon on the line today, and wanted to let you know that we're more than well cared-for. In fact, we're beginning to feel a little guilty that you and others have been so generous. What we'd really like most, if you do want to continue to show support for our strike, would be for the fans to make additional donations to CASA in honor of the striking writers. That way, our strike is helping others in far less fortunate circumstances in addition to protecting our writers' rights. Would you mind sharing this request with any fansites you think would like to know?

By the way, there is an excellent short video that tells the story of the really simple issue at stake on YouTube. The address is:

The CSI fans are the greatest. All of us on the show -- writers, producers, cast and crew -- are grateful for your support at this challenging time.

Thank you very much,
David Rambo"
That's a nice idea that Casa should benifit

The question was not where the interview came from but where the "Beauty is everything. Love is innocent. A future with the perfect MAN is life" came from.

My mistake I thought someone was asking about the "in love with co star's" comment,
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