Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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For the last time and I hope the sniping stops. It WILL stop.

I don't give a damn if someone is gay or straight or bi. That's fine. Post your pride in who you are and that is a good thing. We should all be able to be who we are and that's a good thing. The world would be very dull if we all were exactly alike.

I DO care about gossip and on this board, specifically about the actors and actresses. It won't be tolerated. I don't need the aggravation, either from posters or potentially from the actors/actresses themselves. People DO lurk. So best to err on the side of caution.

And I also have a low tolerance for what I perceive as bullshit and gameplaying. Bear that in mind. I will only take so much before I say "enough." I'm almost 50 and life is too goddamned short to get into arguments over stupidities online. I don't even tolerate that IRL.

It may not be optimal when it comes to running a place, but it's a direct result of my 10+ years online experience, 6 years of which were spend as a moderator on various boards. I've pretty much seen anything and everything online.

Again - facts = OK. Gossip/speculation about the actors/actresses is not. That leads to trouble.

How you 'ship your characters is of no concern to me. They can be polygamists with multiple husbands or wives from Mars as far as I care. They're not real.

Over and out.
TBonz said:

And I also have a low tolerance for what I perceive as bullshit and gameplaying. Bear that in mind. I will only take so much before I say "enough." I'm almost 50 and life is too goddamned short to get into arguments over stupidities online. I don't even tolerate that IRL.

We were all just stating our opinion, regardless of what you think. And when you perceive that as BS, you threaten us? With what? Banning someone from this board? I think that goes a little too far. Last time I checked there was freedom of speech, even in the US. Does that not pertain to this board?

Maybe I misunderstood your point there, if so, I'm sorry, so feel free to correct me on that.
Jorja_Rain said:
TBonz said:

And I also have a low tolerance for what I perceive as bullshit and gameplaying. Bear that in mind. I will only take so much before I say "enough." I'm almost 50 and life is too goddamned short to get into arguments over stupidities online. I don't even tolerate that IRL.

We were all just stating our opinion, regardless of what you think. And when you perceive that as BS, you threaten us? With what? Banning someone from this board? I think that goes a little too far. Last time I checked there was freedom of speech, even in the US. Does that not pertain to this board?

Maybe I misunderstood your point there, if so, I'm sorry, so feel free to correct me on that.

I was about to say the same Jorja_Rain just said so I am backing her up all the way in her words. The last time I checked freedom of speech wasn't killed.. unless I missed the notification of its death somewhere..
hey sara, glad you stayed.
can we somehow put all of this behind us? i hate to think that someone has to bite their tongue of their opinion, but maybe for peacemaking sake.
if you wanna talk about theories and such, i'm always happy to get longwinded pms, gives me an excuse to steal the computer longer from me sister

jorjalove to all~peace
OK, I just don't get that, lOL. If you think that there is freedom of speech online, you're sadly mistaken. This is the internet, not the U.S. Constitution. Each site has rules and is subject to the whims of the owner. Most decent sites have rules and such so that users know just where they stand. That is only fair.

I won't tolerate either trolling or flaming here.

If people keep taking shots (and they're not at the moment,) that is warnable. If they refuse to stop when asked, that is bannable.

Freedom of speech has responsibilities. At least online. Heck, even IRL. If you say something offensive IRL, you can get punched. If you say something dangerous, you can get arrested (think yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.)

We give as much free speech as is possible. However, there is not, and will never be, 100% free speech. Not even for me. Believe it or not, more than posters, I'm constrained in what I can say here or at the other board. Because what you say leads to actions. I can't say, "Bush is an ass" or "I hate Hillary" for example. Because too many people would get riled.

So there is NO totally free speech.

I'm only human. I will tolerate a lot of personal sniping at me before I shut it down. But as I tried to indicate earlier, I do have a limit and it's smart to know a person's limit.

I don't ban on whims (or warn.) To me, I hate to do it unless I must. On the other hand, I'm no doormat. Just for your future knowledge.

We're here to talk about the show, and any FACTS about the real life faces behind them. If people are unhappy that they can't gossip about the real lives of the actors, well that's just too bad.
So, to sum up, we're aloud to talk about the character on the show, and we're aloud to talk about the actress in context to her.. well acting, or rather, public, media-type things? For example, mentioning that she is in a movie, and someone stating their opinion on how her acting was in the movie. (Correct me if I'm wrong, please and thank you.)

I believe that's fair. :)

Yes, people are able to voice their own opinion, but that comes with the consequence that someone may not agree and voice their opinion right back at you. I think, in my opinion that that is okay, but I think, from what I've read, that the opinion was about something that violated the board's rules? (I could be wrong about this too). So, yes, voice your opinion, but if it violates rules, then the opinion is voided. Is that right?

And for the people who don't want to read this long, stretched out conversation, I'm going to start talking about something else.


What is everyone's favourite movie with Jorja in it? I don't think I've ever watched one of her movies. :| Yes, I know. I'm horrible. So I'm going to see if I can get some and watch them.. so, anyone have any suggestions?
I've seen Jorja on ER, Ellen & CSI. The only movie I've seen her in was Memento, but I know the caps from all the others. Food for the heart seems like a pretty thing to watch, she was so adorable with the baby :D and so unlike Sara, Maggie, and what else she played.

Food for the heart would probably be my favorite. She was the main character for probably the first time, and you get to see her gentle side. Memento was decent (her parts), but was a very short role. She kicked butt in Velocity Trap, but it was a very weird movie.
i've seen all the caps from her movies, and shows. i want to watch food for the heart and memento, just for jorja. she was adorable in food for the heart.

and what was that one movie...the kill off? she was hilarious in her what, two minutes of screen time. i loved that. and her long curly hair!

hell, jorja's adorable period!!
BrookeSidle said:
I'm probably like, the only person on this forum that doesn't know this, but what time is late-late? And do you get it in Canada? If not, I really hope someone puts it on the internet, I love watching her interveiws.

Yep, it airs at 12:35 am on CBS. I'm not sure if there's a simulcast with a Canadian station, I don't think there is, but we get CBS, so it's all good. ;)

On the Sara movie topic, I haven't seen any as of yet (I'm embarrassed about it too), but I'll definitely check out Food for the Heart. ;)
I'll join the embarassed train :lol: I know all of the screen-caps from each movie, but haven't seen any of them. I'm making it a priority to see, "Food for the Heart," and "Memento." :)
I'd say that unless you're a fan of Guy Pearce, Carrie-Anne Moss or Joey Pantoliano, you only need to check out the Jorja clips of Memento. She's only got a very, very small role in the movie. The rest of the movie wouldn't be worth the expense of buying it. Food for the heart, however, would be worth the money because there's lots of Jorja to drool over. :D
those were my thoughts. jorja has what...three lines in memento? i'm asking for food for the heart for christmas, lol. along with my csi dvds!
There's a film called Traveling Companion that Jorja wrote a song lullaby for so I'M getting that along with Food for the heart and velocity Trap :)
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