Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Actually she "loved" the Grissom and Sara part, and when she was hired was told she'd be Grissom's love interest, on the show, and said OK to that! and in last week's Tv Guide she stated!!

Q How's your relationship with William Petersen?
A He's the most incredible scene partner I've ever had, and he's a great friend. I couldn't have scored any higher than getting William Petersen to be my TV boyfriend"

She also stated in June 'I hope Sara's back for a sexy S/8 romance"

My question and point is why can't she finish out the season, and then go do whatever she wants to do? it's really only 6 week's, the season started Sept.27 and she's leaving Nov.11.. strange to me :confused: I also think people should follow their desires and dreams, but the rest of the cast is staying thoughout this season, can't she as well? I just don't think we know the whole story behind this.. it just doesn't add up! :(
Well, I think it would be ridiculous to think Jorja would say anything to the contrary in an interview. She's not stupid, why would she bash a storyline she didn't agree with? Of course she's playing it safe and says all the right things. Do you believe everything people say in interviews?
Anyone know is there and Group dedicated to Jorja on Yahoo or anywhere else apart from the ones for CSI and GSR.
desertwind said:
My question and point is why can't she finish out the season, and then go do whatever she wants to do?
My guess is that she really didn't want to come back for this season at all, but decided to do a few episodes in order for them to wrap up current storylines.
That might be correct kaylyne but her comments all summer were contradictory to this, why say anything, keep your mouth shut! and Jorja_Rain she DID agree with the storyline, that was my point!, and of course I believe every interview I read P-L-E-A-S-E, :mad: then people might start calling Jorja a provocateur.. and I'm sure she's not..I just hope they keep the door open for her return, if it doesn't work out for her, wherever she goes! and the money is soo fantastic on CSI!
I'm not sure Jorja was thrilled the writers had Sara pursue grissom for 6 years just to so he could keep knocking her back. it's great for him of course to have a gorgeous young woman chasing him.
Taryn said:
I'm not sure Jorja was thrilled the writers had Sara pursue grissom for 6 years just to so he could keep knocking her back. it's great for him of course to have a gorgeous young woman chasing him.

Taryn did you miss "ALA CART"? when Ecklie asked them both 'how long has this been going on"? first Sara said "we've always had a relationship" and Grissom said "9 years" and she said "2 years" that's hardly pursing him, or chasing him , what surprised me, is how fast they both coughed up the info, to Ecklie, they didn't even bat an eylash nor hestitate.. just spilled their almost a relief! it's always been mutual, for both of them.. they were just discreet and private and kept it a secret..and then had a good laugh about it later in the car scene!!!! that's from the episode! that's why the GSR fans are so distraught, finally this romance is outed, they went out in public, and hopefully it would continue, and Jorja walks.. makes no sense!
]Taryn[/b] did you miss "ALA CART"? when Ecklie asked them both 'how long has this been going on"? first Sara said "we've always had a relationship" and Grissom said "9 years" and she said "2 years" that's hardly pursing him, or 'chasaing' him , what surprised me is how fast they both coughed up the info, to Ecklie, they didn't even bat an eylash nor hestitate.. just spilled their guts, immediatley.. it's always been mutual, for both of them.. they were just discreet and private and kept it a secret..and then had a good laugh about it later in the car scene!!!! that's from the episode

That's true. but no I haven't seen it yet i have read review's but I wont get to see the new season till January i'm in the UK.
i think jorja really does enjoy the gsr storyline...any good actor gets excited to play something different or exciting or mysterious or meaty. i KNOW we're not getting the whole story. maybe she has something going on her personal life that is just more important than the show...which is probably nearing its ending soon anyway...just my opinion. i think there may be more to the contract dispute than is being said, but jorja's being the big person...and maybe she's burnt out...who knows? i still have hope that she'll be back in some capacity...maybe at the end of the season or the end of the series...and i'm still a fan of jorja first and foremost. i support her and her decision even though i know csi will be painful to watch w/out her... if i do watch...

oh, and i agree that she olausibly didn't want to do this season at all...but is loyal to her character and her relationship with grissom. and loyal to billy who is majorly invested in that storyline...she's finishing out, resolving that story, and i think it's great...
we'll have to see what they give us

JOrja rocks beyond measure

oooo, question i had for the mods... even if sara/jorja leaves the show, will this thread and the pic thread still be kept up? she's a part of the show in spirit, in syndication, in our it'd be nice if this was still here!

just wondering

I cried for more than an hour yesterday because she's leaving. Not just tears either, sobbing-into-a-pillow kind of crying. It won't be the same without her.:(:(:(

I sure she has good reasons, no one would just leave something they've devoted the past 7 years to without good reasons.

Can we please not talk about GSR here, even it's about whether Jorja liked it or not? I'm sorry but I can't handle those kinds of arguments. All I'm going to say about it is that I don't see her pretending to support something that she's really against. And yes, I do believe the things she says in interveiws.

I'm wondering the same thing as GSRfanatic25
RE THREAD: Yes the two threads (this one and Picture) will remain after she leaves, as she does still appear in repeats.

RE SHIP TALK: Yes please lets keep it to the GSR thread in the SC forum. Thank you.

RE INTERVIEWS: I think what the person meant when they asked "Do you believe everything people say in interviews?" might have actually been referring to the fact that they answer the questions they are given. Some even are give the option of what can be asked. But what is important to remember is that alot of interviews there like tv shows is the edit factor and somethings are cut sometimes by the person conducting the interview and sometimes at the request of the person being interviewed. Not to mention that there are just some that are cut to make it more eye catching to get the readers.

RE INTERVIEWS P2: Lets remember that it might not be that she isn't being consistant with interviews but it could have to do with how she felt at the time of the interview, its hard to forsee the future or the choices you will make or so on. Also it could be as I said in the last about how interviews are conducted.

Hope this helped. ;)
i cant she's leaving, and i'm glad to read that this thread will still be running.
and yes she is great actress. hope that she will work with the rest of the cast for one last time and i know that sara is on swing but hopefully they will join force.
hope more success for her and we see her in some new film or even new tv show. i'm gonna miss her.
I find it very sad that Jorja's leaving but I accept and respect the choice she made and I do believe her when she says she found it very hard.
I admire the fact that she has chosen to do other things in life, to see more of the world and wanting to do other things. I'm curious to find out what other projects she meant.

Jorja is a great actress and though she said she wont return in a tv series for a while, unless its CSI cus she'll be thrilled to guest star, and I am sure she will continue the work she has been doing so far.

I find it easier to deal with this news now that I know that its Jorja's own decision and it doesn't have anything to do with CBS not wanting her back or wanting to pay her or whatever. I respect her choice.

Jorja, CSI will never be the same without you. But good luck on the future path ahead of you! Enjoy the surfing trip in the Southern Hemisphere!
desertwind said:
and of course I believe every interview I read P-L-E-A-S-E, :mad: then people might start calling Jorja a provocateur..

I would hardly call any of her statements provocative, truthful or not. And that wasn't my point. I was merely pointing out that even if she didn't agree with how the storyline evolved in recent episodes/last season, she would hardly be at liberty to say so in interviews. But if you choose to believe the things you read about an actress in interviews, so be it.
All I know, if that Jorja is in awe and admiration of Billy Petersen, [CSI FILES] and their real life friends, she's taken "baked goods' to his house, [WPAP] and been to ballgames with him and his wife, and was at a cooking school with him, [pictures on the GSR thread] and so, I do believe when she speaks of him it's accurate and genuine, and it shows that they have that chemistry on the show!
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