in this show there isn't always a lot of dialougue, and yes, jorja is perfect with that. she reacts to everything in some subtle, or not so subtle way, w/ her posture, her demeanor, her facial expressions her eyes, etc.
when ecklie said "this is as hard for me as it is for you" or whatever, watch her face, just a subtle hint that she silently doesn't agree. she's wonderful, she makes sara real..
i almost can't stand this site anymore, but for this thread, because of all the bashing of sara and jorja and gsr. it's totally depressing that she may be leaving, and they insist on bitching about her and her role in the show. she's such an asset to this show, and has been since episode two. sara's such an asset to grissom and the team and the lab. sara's a fantastic character, and jorja is a wonderful actor who brings that character to life w/ ease. i can't stand episodes w/ little to no jorja as it is, and they think it'll be any good w/out her?
if it's her decision, then i accept it, because i love's just hard to imagine them being able to make a watchable show w/out her.
jorja was fantastic, as always, in her brief appearance in a la cart, the focus of the show for me in her what...five minutes of screen time? no matter what, jorja fans, support our girl!!
have a jorjatastic day!!