Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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I miss Sara on CSI.

I also haven't watched a full episode of CSI since after the "proposal." I miss knowing Jorja will be on next week's episode. I miss reading spoilers and seeing new things for Sara and/ or Grissom.

However; since she has been gone, we've also seen a lot more from her. In regards to The View (which she never would have done if she was still on CSI, even though her appearance was dull, she said.. what.. 5 sentences?) Interviews, new photos, and she has a play coming up. I'm so glad she hasn't just vanished off the face of the Earth (as I have from this board, sorry guys.). She's still around, and I know she will be back on CSI. I mean, she has said it herself! She wants to be back. She needs a breather, as does everyone else who has worked the same job for 11 years, right?

As much as I hate this strike, I also like it in the fact that if Jorja really is coming back, and it's just a matter of "WHEN" then she could be back sooner than we think, right?

Keep the faith guys.
Wait, wait, uhm. Ok, I've been behind with all the eps, so sorry if this is a stupid question. But: Is she gone already? Because I knew she'd leave, but I didn't know she would this soon.

And how did they write her off?
Roosey said: Wait, wait, uhm. Ok, I've been behind with all the eps, so sorry if this is a stupid question. But: Is she gone already? Because I knew she'd leave, but I didn't know she would this soon.

And how did they write her off?
Yep her last ep was (#807) "Goodbye & Good Luck" which aired on November 15, 2007. Since your behind you can either read the thread for that or ask for further info here regarding how she was written out.
gsrLOVE said:

However; since she has been gone, we've also seen a lot more from her. In regards to The View (which she never would have done if she was still on CSI,

Did you know Jorja and George Eads were on the view a couple of years back ,there is a transcript on JFO. :)
I got a question to those who watched after Sara's departure: Has anyone apart from Grissom mentioned Sara at all? Did they know she left? If so, did they care? Do they know why? Or did they just move on as if she'd never been there?

Personally I thill think they should have had a proper farewell scene. Sara should have brought a cake or doughnuts or sth. Isn't that what people usually do when they leave a job, especially after working with the same group of people for such a long time...
Brass mentioned her, Catherine mentioned her, Nick hinted about if Grissom needed to talk about what happened, Hodges hinted as well about relationships, and Warrick mentioned her too. Nothing big mostly one small part of a scene each. Grissom just responded that Sara was visiting her mother in CA, and that she needed some time, or ignored the subject altogether. As to Greg I can't remember if he did or not.
Yes, all those team members did mention her, and if another member of the team departed, how much would they all keep bringing them up?, that doesn't mean they don't miss her, and on their off time, probably do talk about her alot, and I don't think Greg did say anything nor Doc, but Cath said "go after her" to Grissom, Brass asded if 'he'd heard from her' and he replied. "Yes, she called, and she's visiting her mother in "SF" which gives her the perfect lead in to coming back! Warrick said how he missed her, and sweet Nick tried in vain to get him to talk :confused: and she left in haste, because of her mental state she was traumatized and not thinking about anything but getting away, and fast, she was detoriating in her mind set.. and who's to say what someone else would do in that frame of mind?
I think She was on the verge of some sort of breakdown, I think a party was the last thing on her mind, she had to get away.
zappy said:
I think She was on the verge of some sort of breakdown, I think a party was the last thing on her mind, she had to get away.

Exactly, a 'party' geez, she was on the verge of a nervous break-down, and exited in a rush, to get away, from find some peace, calmness and serenity~
I didn't mean party as in party, just a little get together to properly say good-bye.

Anyway, thanks for the info, I'm glad to hear they mentioned her and acknowledged that she's gone (unlike they did with Sofia).
MiaCharlize said:
Was there anything else, aprt from The View? I wouldn't call that "a lot more"...

Well, I know she's going to be producing another play in New York (I think it's in New York?) sometime soon! I guess she hasn't done "a lot more" but we've seen more interviews from her and such. She was scheduled to do the Late Show with Craig Ferguson (I believe, I can't remember who it was) until the strike started. There was also The View. So, I do believe she has done a lot since she has left the show, or well planned to do.
That's interesting I didn't know she actually had anything defanatly planed in New york.
MiaCharlize said:
I can't say I miss Sara, as I haven't really watched CSI in a very long time. I wasn't intending to stop after she left but somehow I haven't found the time to watch anything after that. I have ep 8 on my pc but haven't watched it yet. I guess I just lost interest in CSI lately. I only watched Jorja's last ep because I wanted to see how they do it. I kinda forgot to keep up with the new eps.
to be honest, I'm glad it's over.

Im with you Mia mostly. Ive watched a few new episodes, which I found to be kind of over dramatic and un nessesary, and now i just sort of completly forget to watch cause im not intrested. My sister bought me season 4 for my birthday and in watching it, i missed sara but it didnt make me want to watch the new CSIs. I think over all, CSI isn't what it used to be, wether its because Jorja left or not, I don;t know, but Im just not interested any more.
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