Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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If it were a few months longer down the road I probably would fly out to LA and see it :(

I know there are a few people going from the Jorja All Around livejournal community, so I'm sure we're going to get a couple reviews. I know it will be great though =D I hope she does another play after this one though, so I can check it out.
Good to hear about the review-thingy :D. I can't wait to hear them! Hoepfully Jorja will do a couple movies, too, preferably indie ones. CSI didn't do her acting capabilities justice IMO. I would like to see her in a comedy maybe, just generally sth different from her Sara character.
Here's Jorja speaking about being on CSI from the Dec. TV Guide~

"Doing this show was one of the most rewarding things in my life. I've been one of the luckiest people in the history of TV, getting to play Sara. My character had a full personal life, with a couple of boyfriends, a couple of meltdowns. She almost got blown up once! I feel like the writers were extremly generous in terms in giving me a lot to do, especially all the interesting relationship stuff between Sara and Grissom. I couldn't have possibly scored any higher than getting William Petersen to be my boyfriend on TV :p AMAZING

And she was funny quite a few times in "Getting Off" for instance, "Now I know why Doodles drank" [the clown] upon seeing the rat-hole he lived in, and her dry sarcastic humor with her team mates :D and her acting in 'Committed' and 'Nesting Dolls, and "Empty Eyes" incredible, I thought she'd get a Emmy nod for this one, and on and on.. "Dead Doll" also riveting, to me, I think the pinnacle of her career, so far has been her extrodinary performances on CSI ;)it brought out the best of her acting abilities!
desertwind said:
I couldn't have possibly scored any higher than getting William Petersen to be my boyfriend on TV

Yeah, thank God it was only make-believe.

Anyway, I think she would have deserved an Emmy. Has she gotten any other awards, btw? People's Choice or sth like that?
Hey everyone!

Yeah, Jorja is long over-due for an Emmy. She's such an amazing actress! I mean, not many people can make me cry, but she has made me cry during Empty Eyes, Nesting Dolls, Committed, and Dead Doll just to name a few. I think Sara was a good character for her because she got to be happy, sad, angry, emotional, etc.

Oh, I just saw Memento today! :) Even though she basically only had one line, the small clips of her were gorgeous. She was so pretty in the movie! :)

Does anyone have any ideas of where I could find Food for the Heart? I hear that she is supposed to be really good in it playing a surrogate mother.

I'm filling up my currently empty CSI/GSR time with Jorja time! :)
Seems there isnt much news about Jorja. She might just have taken a break to let all the storms around her leaving CSI blow over before she is stepping out again :) Take some time to get some air and breath normally

(gees.. that sounded like a bad instruction from a flight atendant on a crashing airplane.. but nevermind)
Hi, GSRLuver! I was able to get it through Netflix. Kind of a strange movie - gaps in the storyline so it was a bit confusing at times - but Jorja (of course) was fantastic in it!
Yeah, gsr_rulz, it was a bit hard to follow. I think I pretty much got it, but it is a movie that I want to see again, so I'll understand it more and hey, having to watch Jorja again isn't so bad either! ;)

Also, thanks desertwind for that website! It's awesome with a very detailed filmography. :)
Your welcome GSRLUVER and beings Jorja is producing a play about Dusty Springfield, it seems others are also interested in her, here's a brief article from Shelby Lynne, country singing star who just recorded some of her songs~~

Lost Highway Records will relase a album called 'Just a Little Lovin', a collection and a mesmerizing tribute to the late Dusty Springfield, another singer with a haunting voice and haunted past. "This said Lynne, "is sacred ground". Beyond the music, Lynne knows the media will find it compelling to explore the links [either real or projected] between her and Springfield, who died in 1999. There were plenty of tales about the British chanteuse, who grappled with substance and mental illiness. Lynne immersed herself in all things Springfield while preparing for this album. But declcined to analyze the singer beyond the vinyl. 'I read every book I could on her" but how true can a book be" she adds. You can't really determine if it's just people talking, I hate to even say what I read because, I don't want people to think I believe it all"

Geoff Boucher.. Los Angeles Times
Still_Life said:

Anyway, I think she would have deserved an Emmy. Has she gotten any other awards, btw? People's Choice or sth like that?

The CSI cast got people's choice and S A G award's. but Jorja never got an individual award. she got nominated for an Emmy once with Empty Eye's. Anyone know if she is getting nominated for Goodbye Goodluck.
gsr_rulz said:
Hi, GSRLuver! I was able to get it through Netflix. Kind of a strange movie - gaps in the storyline so it was a bit confusing at times - but Jorja (of course) was fantastic in it!
When I first watched Memento I was so confused by what was going on. However, if you buy the DVD you get the option of watching the black and white parts of the movie, and the coloured together- in chronological order (I believe- correct me if I'm wrong.)

You see, the movie has two seperate narratives (Black and White, and Color)

The black and white scenes are in chronological order, and the color is reverse. Eventually they mix, and become one story.

LOL, hope that wasn't too confusing.. I probably didn't even explain it correctly, though I hope I did.

I do agree though, Jorja was absolutely stunning in the film even with her mere minute or so. I hope she does an Indie movie or two, those are my favorites :)
You explained it perfectly gsrLOVE! :)

Once I got which parts were backwards and which were forwards, I pretty much understood the rest of the movie.
Here's what Jorja has to say about her handsome co-star ;)other CSI stars also comment on him.. but her's is first! so their characters on CSI are make believe, but their real life friendship is genuine ;)

From WPAP bio.

It's a dream & a joy to work with William Petersen. He's funny, he is very smart, and he is wild. William Petersen is maybe one of my all time heroes" Jorja Fox....... and it shows on screen.. him and us, are waiting for your return!
Here's what Jorja had t say about her sexual encounters:

STUFF: What's the strangest thing you've ever gotten stuck in that gap between your front teeth?
JORJA: I'd have to say rocks. A couple of rocks, I was camping, it was dark, I was caught up in the moment and I got some rocks in my teeth.

STUFF: Rocks. Your face was in the dirt?
JORJA: Gently, but yes.

Jorja, I'm sitting out here by the fire, eagerly awaiting your return!
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