Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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Quoth I totaly know what you mean, especially about her not being stick-thin. I used to sort of admire Jennifer Aniston, but whenever I looked at a picture of her, it just made me feel bad about my body.

Sort of like what you said quoth, Jorja has made me realise that you don't have to be really skinny to be beautiful. Well, I knew that before, but you know, I just see it more now. Look at Jorja, she's one of the most(I would say the most, but I haven't seen everyone) beautiful women on Earth and there are always these rumours flying around about whether or not she's pregnant, just because she's got a bit of meat to her.

This may seem like it has nothing to do with Jorja or Sara, but has anyone heard all the crap that's being said about Britney Spears? Everyone's calling her fat and everything. It makes me really mad, because she's probably thinner than Jorja, and Jorja's far from fat. All the popular celebrities these days are stick-thin and fake. I love that Jorja's different.

I read this interveiw on here that was with JF and they asked if she ever came on this site. She said she did occasionally. Wouldn't it be cool if she was reading this?

If you haven't already, you guys should check out her song on CSI wiki. It rocks as much as Jorja herself. I salute her for having the guts to post a song about falling in love with a woman.

Oh yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I dream up possible ways that I could meet her and what I would do if I did.
i love that song, it's on my ipod!!
and it makes me sick what the're saying about britney too. if she's fat.... grrr
it really sucks that people speculate about someone being pregnant because their stomach isn't completely flat...
yay for jorjaj giving us normal girls confidence in our bodies!

haha, it would be cool if she read this. weird, though, as well.
quoth_the_raven said:
Then I took a look at Jorja Fox. She's skinny, but not unhealthy-skinny. She's gorgeous, and she doesn't wear a lot of make-up. She's famous and rich, but she's not snobby and doesn't go on shopping sprees every week. She's intelligent, and she's someone people can look at and think "hey, that could be me". She's just real, and it made me realize that I don't have to be celebrity-beautiful to be beautiful. She made me feel comfortable in my own skin.

i feel the same way! she makes me feel good about myself because she is so comfertable in her own skin! i look up to her! Jorja Fox = LOVE!!
How did you get it on your ipod? I want it!

Anybody else think it's sad that we don't feel comfortable with our won bodies unless there's a celebrity to show us how? I'm not insulting you guys or anything, I'm the same way as you, I'm actually insulting myself more than anything. It just seems so stupid that all these girls are trying to be like all the celebrities. Thank God we have someone like Jorja to look up to who's actually a good role model.
it is crazy that our society has come to that. i find it sad that i still think, on some level, that society's idea of beauty is beautiful. though, on a deeper level i find jorja much more beautiful and real than any barie or starlet or what have you out there
i'm not sure how i got it on my ipod... my sister saved it to the computer somehow...i'll see if she can explain it to me.. i listened to it like three times tonite... i love it! i'ts so bold, and raw, and beautiful...down to earth
just like jorja!!
So true, so true. I'm trying to figure out how to save it to my computer, but I can't figure it out.

To me, there's a difference between being very pretty and being beautiful. Being beautiful, to me, isn't just about looking good, it's about your personality. There's a difference between the beauty of Jorja Fox and the glamour of Jennifer Aniston.
BrookeSidle said:
How did you get it on your ipod? I want it!

The file you download it from is an MP3, and if you import it into your iTunes library you should be able to listen to Jorja all you want :D

Anybody else think it's sad that we don't feel comfortable with our won bodies unless there's a celebrity to show us how? I'm not insulting you guys or anything, I'm the same way as you, I'm actually insulting myself more than anything. It just seems so stupid that all these girls are trying to be like all the celebrities. Thank God we have someone like Jorja to look up to who's actually a good role model.

:lol: I've actually thought about that :p Well, the thing is, for me anyways, the only people who ever tell me I'm "gorgeous" and "beautiful" are my family members. That's not saying much, because they're my family, you know? I'd smack them if they said otherwise :lol: :p Just because maybe they tell me I'm "beautiful", doesn't mean I feel that way about myself, because there are still these beautiful people in the world much better-looking than myself.

Then I look at Jorja, and she's just your average girl next door but she shows that being casual-- and most importantly, being yourself-- can be sexy. See the thing is, I dress the same way; jeans, t-shirt, anything that's comfortable. Filled in a world where perfection is so hard to perfect, it's so great to see someone like Jorja who allows herself to be imperfect if you know what I mean.

Not saying she's not perfect, but you know what I mean :p
What kind of gorgeous girls are living next to your house? Just kidding, I wouldn't call her "just your average girl next door" but yeah, I know what you mean.

I still can't figure out how to get it. I feel so inept.
^ I actually just meant "the average girl next door" because she seems like the type of person who you could actually aspire to be, because she's not so out-of-this-world ;) She's just... surprisingly normal! You compare her to the other celebrities out there and she sounds like your best friend you've gone to school with since kindergarten :p

Too bad there aren't more people like her in the world :eek:
A lot of times when people call someone a 'girl next door' they mean they have a 'girl next door' look, which means they're pretty, but nothing really special. I didn't think that was what you actually meant, but I was trying to make a joke.

I wish she was my best friend I'd gone to school with since kindergarten. Then I'd either be more than 20 years older or she'd be more than 20 years younger, but it would still be cool. Lol, at first I accidentally put 30 instead of 20. Then I was like "wait a second, I'm not 9..."

*Sigh* Too bad we don't each have our own Jorja, then we wouldn't have to come to websites like this to talk about her.

Yay, I got the song on my MP3. I also listened to her poem, it almost made me cry. At first it doesn't seem like it would make you cry, but then at the end it's really sad. I'm thinking maybe it's about her mother....?
girl next door just means someone who is beautiful, but normal. like they could be living next door to you, but they're doing extraordinary things. beautiful, still! which jorja is. and i would love to have her as a best friend. have our own jorja, that would be fantabuolous! make my dreams come true

glad you figured it out brooke
I love, love LOVE her song. It's awesome. It goes along with what we were talking about before, how she allows these little imperfections. I mean, it's a great song, but there are parts where she hits the wrong notes or sings a little off key. Yet she still posted it on her website.
i love how raw and honest it is. like she's just singing what she feels. it's really... i dunno, i wanna say moving. it moves me. i love listening to it!!!
it was a really brave thing to put out there, knowing what repercussions could come of it!
it's probably the most played song on my ipod!

thanks for the info on her birthday, i need to remember those other websites. i get so caught up in this one and ytdaw that i don't check things for myself. is great for pics and interviews of jorja! i just read a really good mini bio of her somewhere that i loved. saved it to my computer along with my hundreds of pics of her!
jorja fox rocks my ever loving socks for so many reasons it's unbeliveable!

i love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and sara's the shiz! she turned me onto csi, gsr, and jorja. my gateway drug!! ;D
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