Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #5

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My mom gets mad, when I do that, she says if you are gonna watch it then you will watch it all the way through. Jorja is so interesting. Her scenes are never boring.
I would totally do that if I could. But I don't tape them and I don't have the dvd's. If I did, I would watch all the Sara and GSR scenes over and over.

I feel really bad now, I'm writing a fic where Sara dies. I hate myself for it, but the stupid thing wouldn't stop writing itself in my head!
i know how that it, i keep gettting ideas for something like that, and i'm like "NO, can't...kill...sara..."
i'd love to read ur fic brooke!

yay for sara fans, lol

i agree with you all i love all jorja/sara scene and how she says her line really good, even if it is a one liner or two, give her best.
and i hope they will not kill her character, cause it will be weird and i'm going to be so sad.
i would be devistated if she dies! i dont will not know what to do... do i keep going and watching the show without her? or not because she is one of the main reasons i watch it?

delima... she just better live and then i wont have to worry about it! :p
Lizn8rFoxy said:
i would be devistated if she dies! i dont will not know what to do... do i keep going and watching the show without her? or not because she is one of the main reasons i watch it?

delima... she just better live and then i wont have to worry about it! :p

i like all the cast but I would not be able to watch anymore
sidlewannabee said:
I can't watch it if Sara dies. If Sara dies, then a part of me dies as well. It wouldn't be the same.
yup, that's so true... i can't decide if i'll still watch the show if she dies, but it will not be the same or as enjoyable at all w/out her. i might watch it, but not as avidly...
they can't kill her, they just can't
Wow, I haven't posted here in a while! So much discussion, let's see, where to start...

I agree with you all, I do think that I would stop watching CSI: indefinitely if Sara were to be killed off. And it's not just me being a stubborn bitchy fan "oh you killed off my favorite character so I'll just stop watching" :p It's because I don't think the show would be the same without her. For seven (going on eight) years Sara Sidle has been a solid foundation for the show as have been all the rest of the main characters. You can't just abruptly kill that off to "solve a storyline".

Also, Jorja Fox is one of the FEW actresses in television nowadays that brings realism and a breath of fresh air to the screen with her. She's not the sort of person who represents herself as a plastic unrealistic beauty that no one could ever be. She's not your typical Beverly Hills celebrity. She's someone people can relate to as a normal human being. And with this, she has brought this realism and humanism to Sara Sidle. Sara is a complex character, like a Rubix Cube no one can solve, and I don't think many people could've pulled off her complexity and still maintained that humanism, but Jorja did.

So wherever Jorja goes, I'll go, because she's quickly stolen my heart (I'm still waiting for its return :rolleyes:) and a definite spot in my Thursday night TV slots just for Sara's growth.
So wherever Jorja goes, I'll go, because she's quickly stolen my heart (I'm still waiting for its return ) and a definite spot in my Thursday night TV slots just for Sara's growth.
oh yes, so true. where she leads we will follow...i will follow her, wherever she may go

ooo, made two song references, go me
jorja is the shiz. she's a realistic actor, down to earth, not fake, ... long story short, i completely agree w/ you quoth
csi without sara is like... sex w/out love ;D
My god quoth that's so true. I love how REAL she is. She's not super-thin, there's nothing fake about her body. And while she's very beautiful and sexy, it's not in the typical Hollywood way. Like you said quoth, people can relate to her.

Sometimes I watch the show just to see Sara, not usually but sometimes. If she wasn't on it anymore, every episode without her would just make me more and more depressed, there wouldn't be any point in watching it anymore.

I also really hate shows that kill off their characters. I wouldn't want to watch it anymore becuase who knows who they might kill next? Maybe they would decide that Grissom didn't want to live without her and he'd kill himself. Maybe Nick or Greg or any one of Sara's friends wouldn't be able to do their job properly after losing her and they'd quit. I highly, HIGHLY doubt that any of this would actually happen, but my point is that once a show kills off my favourite character, I would be worried that they'd kill of my second favourite. So I just wouldn't watch the show anymore.

GSRfanatic25: I'm going to post my fic on FF net when it's done and edited and everything. My pen name is the same as on here, except it's Greene instead of Sidle, but I haven't posted anything yet.
great, yay, a new one, can't wait to read it brooke

you and quoth are spot on, jorja is soo different from most things we see in hollywood. she's a breath of fresh air!! i thnk what drew me to this show was how different it was from most shows i'd watched in the past. not all this teenybopper drama and such. it's more mature and exciting, and it makes me feel smart. i love sara because she's sooo real and ... relatable

jorja fox, rox, and that's that
I watched "Built to Kill".
I love Sara's expression mouthing "NO" to Grissom when, after she agrees with him, Ecklie comments on how obvious it is.
Then, also obviously like the "I'll dowload it" and the "malibu barbie" comment :lol:

Jorja definitely is different from many actresses. She doesn't seem to care much about all the 'image' stuff, she acts like she wants to (within reasonable) and it's natural. She does not seem fake at all anytime.

Also, I really love about Sara that she is smart. Like seriously, that woman amazes me. There's this episode when she does this really quick mental calculus and it's so cool. I think it's a scene with Warrick...
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