With Donahue we never know --my only guess is that if it's true, then maybe there's more 'mystery' to Jesse than what we've seen so far (I mean, seriously, they still consider Natalia a mystery & it's been 5 years

). Doesn't necessarily have to mean it's this particular storyline that will drag out for several seasons, just him in general. I'd hope anyway, 'cause while I'm fine with him staying on, I don't want the dead spouse thing to keep going like the dang energizer bunny.
I'm seriously beginning to wonder who exactly has been at the helm for some time now. Did they believe that CSI Miami's powerhouse success meant that the show could take care of itself for the past several seasons. :brickwall:
If so, what a mistake. Like a garden, without constant care and nurturing it all goes to weeds. And that is the path CSI Miami has been taking for the last 3 seasons. And here we are with ratings plunging.
Who exactly is coming up with these storylines? Are the actors having too much personal input for their characters? Are TPTB hearing the audience complaints for the past 3 seasons? Are they just blowing it off thinking 8 or 9 seasons is a good run and who cares how CSI Miami goes down in television history? How sad.
I still believe that the addition of Jesse and Walter was a great idea. The show needed fresh blood and they needed to lighten up a little. They needed to re-establish a team. With Jesse, Walter and Ryan I felt an immediate connection. The feeling that these people were a team really began to take shape.
I do feel they made a mistake by focusing so much on Jesse in the beginning. I think it would have been easier on the audience if they had given him his big introduction episode and then allowed the "mystery" to be presented in a subtle manner that built and really peaked the audience curiosity. The importance of taking your time and slowly building has really been lost on tv these days. Everything is delivered at break-neck speed with a 2x4 between the eyes.
They also should have known that acceptance of that character would be challenged by the pro-Eric/Rodriguez people, both before and after Rodriguez announced his departure and then his return.
Eddie Cibiran, besides being a good actor, is an exceptionally attractive and very sexy man. That was going to mean competition for Rodriguez. Greater care should have been taken to allow him to settle with the audience.
I think Jesse has great story potential - as does Natalia, Ryan, Frank and Walter. I think the current situation points to the importance that TPTB be very attentive to the audience and what they are accepting ... and not ... and to respond accordingly, and quickly when a storyline isn't working,.