It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

Heeeeey, it's not my fault. ;_; I'm the one who wants D/F pr0n here! :lol:

Anyways, if anybody really does want my D/F art, I can email a big-ass version anyway. :devil: ;) Insta-pr0n!
Well, it took me about three hours, but I finally finished all of the cards. I will be sending them out sometime this week, when I can trudge through the snow to the post office.
Kimmychu said:
Heeeeey, it's not my fault. ;_; I'm the one who wants D/F pr0n here! :lol:

Anyways, if anybody really does want my D/F art, I can email a big-ass version anyway. :devil: ;) Insta-pr0n!

Did you finish that last picture? Because there's a hot dog in the way that not even Flack could love, given what it's blocking. ;) :devil: :devil: :devil:
Yes indeed--as delish as a hotdog might be, I'd rather see what's behind it. :devil:

I got my cards today, and I'm going to try to get some of them out tomorrow (the ones without porny inclusions). For the porny ones, it'll probably be Saturday before I get them mailed--however, there will be something porny inside, obviously. I haven't decided whether to A.) write a porny little ficlet that will fit on one page (either the same one or one for each person, should my muse decide to cooperate--which s/h/it usually doesn't), B.) find and print off something porny, C.) ARGH MY BRAIN DOESN'T WORK AND I DON'T HAVE AN IDEA-C! :p

Anyway, I got my cards from Target, so chances are someone else probably got the same ones. :lol: (I was going to get some from Kmart which were cheaper and less Christmas-y, but I decided to get the ones from Target instead because I liked them more--so I hope nobody is offended by vaguely-Christmas-y things or, you know, the term 'Merry Christmas'. :lol:)
I usually don't like it when large american companies invade canada (ulg, walmart), but I do wish they had target here. The commercials make the store look fun. :lol: So don't worry about similar ones from canada. Although all of the boxed cards probably come from the same place...china, so there could be some repeats.

I would think a print out would be faster and easier than writing out something. Unless you type it and print of course. I guess it also depends on how many porny cards you are doing. Pictures are also have a higher shock value than matter how dirty the words are.

My cards are actually finished, and sitting beside my desk waiting to be taken to the post office. Its quite an impressive stack!
Mine are too. They're addressed, stamped, cute-stickered and each one has a one page (front & back) little story included.

Did anyone actually find CSI cards?

Oh, a suggestion to anyone still putting theirs together: do NOT lick 40 envelopes closed. :p Save your tongue and taste buds! It's easier and faster to get a wash cloth, wet a corner and run it over the glue. I haven't licked an envelope in probably 15 - 20 years. :lol:
I'm all ready to post my cards too. :D Just trying to find the time to get my ass off the computer and head to a postbox.

You could hear me squee-ing from miles away if I ever spotted CSI cards. :lol:

Yeah, I don't lick cards anymore too. *icky* What I did was, I fill a little cup with water, dipped my fingers in them and run it over the envelope flaps and stamps.

EDIT: I just went downstairs to post the cards, woot! I was also happy to receive my first card when I opened my mailbox. :) I thought it would take at least 2 weeks for the first card to reach me.
I licked mine. They were pretty much tasteless. So everyone will be getting my DNA along with a card. mmmmm DNA! tasty. Ok, i am a little cracked on caffeine and no sleep right now...
Oh, if I write anything, it'll be typed and printed. :lol: We'll see, though, I have to make up my darn mind soon. :p

I'll spend several hours tomorrow signing cards and addressing envelopes, I'm sure. :p (I won't be licking them, though, I value my tongue. :lol:)
Oh, a suggestion to anyone still putting theirs together: do NOT lick 40 envelopes closed. Save your tongue and taste buds! It's easier and faster to get a wash cloth, wet a corner and run it over the glue. I haven't licked an envelope in probably 15 - 20 years

Oh now you tell us! And me after staying up until 1am last night finishing them off! Half way through I realized that whatever about my real name/addy, I'm sending my DNA to 38 complete strangers, heehee!
Anyway, cards are all done. I need 1 more stamp and then I can drop them in a letterbox at lunchtime.
Fraid I didn't get round to putting anything bar a greeting in them. And some of the addresses are a bit squished on account of me buying small cards and then remembering that I'd have to leave room for the stamp, doh!
I'll start addressing cards this week. I'm excited now about them, still haven't figured out what to tell my mom though. I was going to tell them it's for school, but I'm in the daycare program, so that won't work.
You could be like "I met these awesome inmates in a chat room and we decided to exchange addresses!" Then, when her eyes start to bug out of her head, just wink and say, "Nah, I'm kidding, it's just some CSI fans." Or something like that. :p

Despite being a bit wacky, we're all completely sane (and I've never been in jail). :lol:

Describing it as sort of a penpal situation seems less scary than 'I GAVE MY ADDRESS OVER THE INTRANETZ!' :p Besides, I have all of y'all's addresses, but you also have mine, so I'm not likely to try anything kooky. :p
Yeah, I'm not too worried about it, I do enough crazy things anyhow, she shouldn't really be that surprised when I start getting letters from other countries. My mom's just a little too paranoid about the world and the internet.
Hey, just tell her that half of us are on the other side of the big blue ball and besides, with the price of fuel and airfare, who can AFFORD to do anything stupid? We're doing well to afford POSTAGE!!! ;)

Got my first card today - the day mine went out. My postal carrier loves me; I sorted mine in bundles of "US" and "International". Have yet to warn him he'll be delivering just as many in.