It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

... if the postage really amounts up to US$50, that means it's going to cost me at least MYR$150+. :lol: *checks wallet* Weeeeell, I've spent way more than that on ... other things so it's not biggie. :D

I am seriously going to buy postcards with orang utans and head hunters on them. So, if anybody's orang utan-phobic, please to be letting me know ASAP. :p
Guys I have to admit I was a bit confused by the US addresses you know the lack of a country at the end of it LOL because if I had to send that as is from over here minus a country it would end up lord knows where. But I googled codes and figured it out. I bought cards yesterday started writing them out hopefully I'll post them by Friday which is payday for me YAY. I have no idea how much it is going to cost me the last time I sent something overseas was years and years ago when I was in my penpal phase.
Kimmychu said:
I am seriously going to buy postcards with orang utans and head hunters on them. So, if anybody's orang utan-phobic, please to be letting me know ASAP. :p

:lol: That sounds very interesting. I love orangutans.

I'm about to start writing my cards and I'm planning to sign them using my real name, because signing them 'Elsie' would actually be weird. :p I don't think anyone else on the list has the same first name as me so hopefully you'll still know it's from me. :) Now, I just need to think of what else to write in the cards, I'm not feeling particularly festive at the moment and am low on inspiration.
I'm about to start writing my cards and I'm planning to sign them using my real name

Actually that reminds me of something. I know we'll need real names for the envelopes, but do any people here have objections to their username being on the inside of the card? (I know some people like to keep their online handles strictly online)

For me I'm not bothered either way. Anybody likely to be seeing the inside of the cards already knows who I am <g>
Ceindreadh said:
do any people here have objections to their username being on the inside of the card?
Rachel/Fay/Faylinn, etc works for me. :) My family knows my screenname, and they won't have access to the cards anyway. :p

Kimmychu said:
Write me Danny/Flack pr0n.
That might be what you get from me. :lol:
I don't mind either way Ceindreadh, write whatever you want to. :) My husband has his own screenname (MrElsie) and has met some of the people on this forum so I suspect nothing would surprise him...

Although, obviously people will address the cards to real names but just in case, I am moving house on December 17th and having my mail redirected so the name on the front needs to completely match my real name or it won't be redirected. ;)
I know we'll need real names for the envelopes, but do any people here have objections to their username being on the inside of the card?
Not a problem at all. :)

I hope everyone saw my earlier post about the error in my address! ;)
^^^Yep I saw it :D

I don't mind what people call me inside the cards! Orangutans? I love them :D Me, I got some cartoony christmas ones :D

Just to clarify.... if its a US address if we just put the zip code with letters on we don't need to write the stat, right??
Call me what you want, it don't matter to me.

ORANGUTANS!!!!! Before I was old enough to realize keeping wild animals as pets was a bad thing I wanted a pet orangutan and a pet chimpanzee.

I still have to get my ass in gear and get my cards. I'm going out later today.
i just got my cards! I wish they would sell comical ones in bulk, oh well.

I don't care about my screen name being in my cards at all :D

I just told my mother about it, and she gave me this 'wtf' look... :lol:
Im not in this one but I'd thought I would help anyways :D

nattybatty55 said:
Just to clarify.... if its a US address if we just put the zip code with letters on we don't need to write the stat, right??
The TWO letters ARE the state. They are just abbrieviated. If whoever lives in Texas, you just writer TX (thats it right?) and you dont have to write "Texas" in addition to "TX".

Was that confusing?