It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

my issue with guys is, they all suck. you think you find a good one but then he goes and does something so incredibley stupid and breaks your heart. the rest of them cant take the time to look you in the face when you talk to them. yes, i realize i have boobs, i know theyre quite large, but that doesnt mean you get to stare at them! :mad:
is there just this common acceptance that university girls are easy or something? i know some of them spoil it for the rest of us with these girls gone wild tapes and everything, and ive had a friend go home with guys shes just met that night, so why do guys get to assume were all like that? when i was visiting a friend last weekend i was dancing with a guy in the club and he tries to make out with me! it was so gross, i told him to behave himself and that i wasnt going home with him.
i have given up on boys for the time being because they keep disappointing me, none of them are worthy of the fabulousness that is me :D
oh god! agree with you all the way!!!! the only guys that i have ever found that are wonderful people turn out to be i cant actually date them! haha it kinda sucks. but the distant futur i will finally meet a guy and it will be awesome!!!
Depth-Of-Love said:
in the distant futur i will finally meet a guy and it will be awesome!!!
Me too...far, far, far future am i the only one that finds marriage something scary???
i just cant wait to wear the dress :D and the diamond ring, which i want to be huge. :lol: does that make me a bad person? :p
I agree with everyone here :D Right now I in the stage where I think boys-are-stupid.-who-needs-them?-not-me. *cough* ;) No effence boys :p May we all find a sensitive, caring guy some day, if you already havent :lol:
Right now I'm just hating guys, although there's a guy named Mark I really like. He's a year younger then me, but he's really nice and sweet, and last year people said he liked me, but was too shy to make a move. The other night he cam eup to me to talk about my dog, since he just got the same kind. I'm tempted to ask him to hang out, but I've gotten burned too many times before, so I dunno.
GrissCathfan said:
well in my skool there's basically no limit 2 wat u can do as long as u do it where a teacher cnt c u. there's even students that have had sex in our skool!!! OMG! im 1 of those girls that r shy n a relationship & I would like 4 a guy 2 make the 1st move. i do like 2 b lovey dovey juss not 2 the point 2 where's its sickning! I like 2 hold hands, hug & mayb kiss every once in a while, but im not gonna make out in the middle of the hall 4 n e body! lol!

By any chance could you not use netspeak?
Makes my head hurt.
And it's hard to read and gives a feeling that you are not saying anything important.


I had one bf when I was 13 :eek: It lasted 6 days. I couldn't handle the pressure (every other kid and some teachers were picking on us and I couldn't just take it. I was picked on enough and didn't want it more and I guess... I don't know why it started (dating) in the first place :lol:)

Back in Upper Secondary School days our religion teacher always made snarky comments when he saw couples. Esp when they were smooching bit too long and bit too public place. I had a friend who were kissing like almost every break (note, we were 17-18) and I started to comment on that with words such like "OMG!PORN!HERE*S CHILDREN AROUND!" (meaning those who were under 18)

Once I was sitting in my bf's lap (it was useful when hallways were crowded) and same teacher walks by and says to my bf "Didn't doctor say there was a weight limit to what yo you can have in your lap? wasn't the limit 100kg?"
Oh sweet lord we laughed so hard.

We broke up in agreement, there was no way for longdistance relationship. He is really really sweet guy, tho found out things later on and called him with the needed words. Even getting over it, makes you think if someone like him can break your trust (and he always talked about how we should trust on each other, because his parents had horrible marriage that ended to divorce), how the hell you can trust on anyone?

That doubting keeps me single :p (along with the fact thatin town where I live, there's every guy under 16 and mostly related tome :lol:)

Ah well. It was a rant.
:lol: Interesting thread.

Since the topic is currently on guys, I guess I'll talk about that. The only boyfriend I've ever had was when I was 13 and that lasted for a month because I wanted to concentrate on my studies and I felt that 13 was still a very young age to have a boyfriend.

Since then, I've had crushes on other guys but it always turns out wrong for me. When I was 14, I had a huge crush on this guy, T, whom I met during my archery training sessions. He knew that I had a crush on him and my best friend at the time, J, knew. She said that she'd try to get us together but in the end, she ended up dating him! Man, I was so crushed.

Then, when I was 15, I liked another guy from my archery training centre, whom I shall call K. We played around a little and text messaged a lot. When he left for college, well, he got himself a girlfriend. Again, I was crushed.

Last year, there was this guy in my tuition class whom I really, really liked. After a few months, he quit the tuition centre, only for me to find out that he actually owed my tuition teacher money. He also owed a lot of people a large amount of money.

Since then, well, I have not been crushing on guys because 1)Guys disappoint me and 2)I don't have the time to go all puppy-love on a guy.

So that's it. For now. :lol: Long post, I know.
people have been saying here when you're young you should just enjoy life and all that, but making out with guys is fun! admittedly, i enjoy it (who doesnt?)!
but the bfs i've had havent been serious or anything, none of them have really had anything in common with me but i still liked them....blah.....blah....meh....oh the randomness.
^I was mostly meaning that when you are 12-13 or something like that, there's no need to go "whaaaaaaaa, I don't have a bf!" and go hunting themlike crazy.

Gee, what's the reason for having more and more teenager moms.
DaWacko said:

Gee, what's the reason for having more and more teenager moms.

more teenagers not being bothered using protection. or being stupid. or naive. or both. or they actually want to get pregnant...which does happen sometimes
Protection is one thing, but there's time when they'd just keep their pants on.
Esp when they are somewhere in age...12 or 13.
or they actually want to get pregnant...which does happen sometimes

Hehe, I was one of those. I've wanted a baby sice I was like 12 or something. Though I've never been stupid enough to try and get pregnant. Not that I ever dated boys...
But I know the feeling, most of my friends had boyfriends when I was a teen (technically I still am, but that's not the point here). I didn't ever envy them or anything but I always felt I had to justify the fact that didn't have one.
All the "single" girls were branded "loosers". Well not by everyone, but by many. Evertime I met new people they went like "You have a bf?" I say "No" and they give me that look that seems to say "Looser".
Sad that so many young girls feel they're only worth as much as the boy by their side.
then again, you do get the girls who fall in love in their early teens....i know a girl who's 14 and she and her boyfriend are in love, like seriously in love with each other....sometimes the heart works that way, and love is sometimes thought to be a feeling you can only get when you're older
I've been in love when I was 16. Thought I was in love with 13, but guess I wasn't.
I do believe that you can fall in love at any age. And it's great when it happens. But that doesn't mean you have to do things you're not ready for.
When you're 13 and fall in love enjoy the experience, the freedom, the feelings. Don't rush things and start thinking about family already. If it lasts you can still do that when you're 20 or older. And if it doesn't you won't have to regret it.