It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami or CSI:NY

Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

I would just like to say that CSI LV is my favorite because it is the original. The first episode of Miami and New York that I saw had a fight in it. I don't think that is what CSI is about. So for so long I have been watching CSI LV and I will be watching it for a lot longer :)
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

CSI: Las Vegas. Why? Because I've been there...No, I have, but that's not the reason...

Why not Miami? Well, Miami is my second choice, but I haven't been able to connect with any of the characters in Miami. Not to mention the fact that GSR isn't in Miami, it would scare me slightly if it was.

Why not NY? Because I've never actually seen it, that's why.

Why not Atlanta? Because there isn't one...And if they're was, I might or might not watch it anyway.
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

CSI LV. I can relate to the characters better, and also the locale.

Miami doesn't interest me very much, and I've never been able to really get into the Miami show. it seems like everytime I turn it on it's about boats or drugs.

With the LV show, it seems like anything goes; I like it when the edge towards the very, very bizarre.
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

I prefer LV over Miami. I like the setting, Vegas, more than Miami, and I like the quirkiness of it. Sometimes in Miami it seems like only the rich beautiful people are involved in anything, but in Vegas it could be anyone doing anything.

Plus in Miami Horatio is always shooting somebody.
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

AmandaSzmanda said:
I perfer CSI: LV:
1. There's Eric Szmanda
2. There's no David Caruso
3. The casts work better

Totally agree with you AmandaSzmanda

With Greg Sanders
Without David Caruso
Team works better

Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

CSI: Miami.
1 word= Togo.
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

I just saw this and had to add my 2% of a dollar...

CSI:LV, all the way. I've tried watching Miami, but I just can't get into it. I prefer the way LV has been done, and particularly who has been cast... David Caruso drives me nuts! :)
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

I'd have to pick CSI: LV, I'm pretty mad at Miami since they killed Speed off and became more of a guns pointing action kind. Plus I'm a sucker for Greg...
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

I'm new but i read this forum and I had to get my say in. I think Miami is the best, no offense to you LV luvvers because that is a close second, but i find that Miami has a much better story line. I absolutely love Delko and the way Horatio is so protective of his team. LV is great too, but i found after the 5th season the plots got off the "cool track". I hope i haven't offended anyone, because in my life, well put it this way, they are my life.
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

I like all of the shows but Miami is my fav. Reasons why, well:

1. There David Caruso/Horatio Caine
2. There is also Emily Procter/Calleigh
3. There is Hummers (Don't ask, I like cars. Weird for a girl huh?)
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

Def. the Las Vegas one!! Nick, Greg, and Warrick are hott!!!!!!!! The characters just play off each other so well.... plus i just dont like horatio at all... sorry ya'll
Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami

i would (i already did) choose las vegas because miami got so stupid as it entered its 4th season. It's just going downhill. And Miami had about 3 characters killed off within 4 it kinda ticks me off.