Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami
Sirea said:
Because this thread is over three years old. Don't really know why it was dredged up in the first place...
Well, pbbly because some of us newbies weren't there 3 years ago

:lol: ... you're just browsing, you find a thread that sounds interesting, you'd like to give your opinion too, and ...TA-DA

No law against dredging up threads, is it?
CSI:Crime Scene Investigation for me. Hands down
I love the characters -especially Grissom

, Las Vegas, cinematography is always great, I like the blue atmosphere of the show, it's very dark, the plots always keep me on the edge of my seat, I also like the relationships between the characters.
I just can't stand sitting in front of my TV watching
CSI:Miami anymore. I used to, but I got bored.
I don't like the characters -especially H

CSI:Crime Scene Investigation is the original, and in my mind, the best of the series, It's the one that got everything started, and for a reason: it's a damn good show, the best forensics show on TV. EVER