"IS DANNY A SLUT?" was yelled in the lab and there was a show of hands of a significant number of people that he had slept with in the lab...
Then then and only then would I think he is that.
(doubt it'll happen anytime soon though.)
Personally the last option was to good to pass up... so I'm guilty
Lindsay: I think he was intrigued by her and made a move. When she didn't responed the way he could have wanted her too, he just did his best to not make it a big deal. When she finally did responded, he just did the same thing... didn't make it a big deal.
Rikki: A mutual understanding between two consenting adults:borg: I just think both were hurting in someway and needed a pick-me-up. That's what they provided for one another, nothing more than that. It was just to numb the pain.
I don't like the term slut, but if it were a woman I'm sure it still would not come to mind. He has been seen getting a certain amount of attention from the opposite sex (girl on subway, student in dorm:drool
He has turned a few down (suicide girl, dominatrix) I think that Danny is a healthy young man (physically):devil:
We know Danny to have quite a few intamacy and trust issues. It's not surprising that he's not in a commited relationship. I'm sure he's hungry for that type of intamacy, but not hungry enough to want the consequenses it brings: hurt, betrayal, disappointment.
The closest thing he does have to that is his friendship with Flack and that's because it's simple, reliable. He doesn't have to worry about it and I think that's about the only thing he's after right now.